Hey Hey! Annie I am sooo glad to hear that you've found a new job and that you are doing really well out there!! :) And its just another place to visit too!! One more place I haven't been! :) You'll hafta get me your address as soon as you can ok?! And don't worry about God's plans for you..... He has great things planned and He will use you because you are willing. :) Matthew 6:33~ Lynnie girl!! I'm happy to hear that you're doing great too! In the end your lack of sleep will really pay off! I believe in my heart of hearts that you will have a HUGE impact on those kids! You make an impact on everyone you meet! Remember, strangers are friends you haven't yet met, ones that God is sending your way!!! So make the most of every moment! And enjoy yourself while you are in New York! There is a lot of great stuff to see there! :) Just stay away from Hooters down on Broadway! Thier service sucks! :) And lots of great pictures so you can send them to me! I'll make lots of copies to send you from Australia! :) ~ Lizzy Girl, I know things are pretty tuff these days! But God will make the best of everything. You know better than all of us that things happen for a reason. Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Keep your chin up and know that I love you and I'm always here to talk even when it seems like I'm not here anymore at all. :) Emails will be easier kept when I get my computer! After Australia! :) Just remember that in the toughest times, turn to the only One who can help. :) Because trying to live w/o His existance in your life makes life hard, unbearable, and pretty much pointless. Life w/o Christ is meaningless. :) Ecclesiates 3:1 A time and a season for everything...
My precious family..... I love you all sooooo much! And I miss you guys too! I'm making a home movie right now for ya guys! Its not the greatest but they will get better as I make you more! I can't wait to get the package you guys sent me with your home movie in it!!!! :) I should be here to get it before we leave for Australia!! And I'll probably wanna call home so expect a phone call at a really weird hour! Probably a very early hour! Lol! :) Because I know I'm gonna be heartbroken! But life is full of heartbreaks and I know that I will be home in a year and a half to see all of your beautiful faces. And maybe sooner, if I can pull it off. :) It's ok to miss someone, its only bad to dwell on it. Share my loves and kisses with everyone!
Well, I need to go now and get some stuff done before we go to Australia. Today's Saturday and we're working so I'd better make the most of it! :) I will email and call everyone soon! I know it takes me a while but don't give up on me yet! I'm not hopeless!! :) Love you all! In Him~ Jess