Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Goodbye, Blog...

Well, Everyone, this is going to be my last Blog on Random Thoughts! For those of you who have dilligently kept up with me these past few years, thank you! For everything! For your love and support,prayers and wonderful comments, adn for just keeping patronage to my blog. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know!
As for why, well, Josh and I have decided to start a blog together!!! You can visit our new blog at joshandjessicaquigley.blogspot.com !! = ) I am keeping this link on our new one, because my entire LIFE for the last few years is on this blog!!! = ) It's like saying godbye to an old friend... sorta makes me sad! But, Josh and I are are excited about our new blog, to track our new life together!!! = D So, for those of you faithful watchers, keep tuning in! We love you and Thank You for your support!! Please continue to pray for Josh in Iraq and for his safe trip home here in the next couple of months!
We love and are praying for everyone! Semper Fi and God Bless!
Love you all Always,
Momentum~ It is not of importance where we stand in life, but in what direction we are moving...
p.s. the above picture was taken, by yours truely, at La Jolla Shores on 22 June 2007. = ) As the sun sets on this time in my life, my past, it is rising again, on my future....