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Oh my goodness!! These are the Hallmark ponies!! Lol, everytime I go to Hallmark, I see these ponies! Well, today I surfed the net for them! and found tons of them!! This is possibly my favorite one! I'm gonna get it before it retires!! :-D
I've decided to start a collection!! Yea! p.s. 17 more days and 6 1/2 more working days! MUAH!

the countdown has already begun, if you haven't been able to tell... then now you know! Well, I was just goin thru some pics that I FINALLY got put onto a cd and found some of me and my BABY!! in Yuma! this is from Oct 21st!! One of our frequent trips to Starbucks!!Love you baby!!!
THE ROAD NOT TAKENTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. I like this poem because it reminds me of my favorite poem by Patrick O'leary - Nobody Knows it but Me. They are both about taking this other road, the road that is adventurous and full of wonder and mystery. The road not ususally taken by most of the people who live on this Earth. The road that, you do not need company on - it is the journey only you can decide on. People will come along the way, some staying always, others walking out as quickly and as quietly as they came. You can bring them along for the ride, but, the choosing of the path is ultimately up to you. The path less trodden; unused and forgotten about. The path of imagination and color, full of stories and adventures that have yet to be discovered! I love this path, because here, I can always be me. People riddicule me and try to bring me down for taking this path, but, this is me. This is who I am. I love me and I love what I have chosen to take. i can live in my world without Starbucks and cell phones. And even without all that, I can go to greater heights and achieve greater things that you can only dream of. Because I'm not afraid to be different. I am unique, and I love every second of it!!p.s. Thank your veterans today... they're fighting for you...

me and josh a year ago. me and josh less than a week ago. wow. and let me be the first to tell you - that was one rough year! but, we did it, didn't we baby? we held on and made it this far. :-) thank you so much for putting up with me and my ups and downs. if you hadn't i'd be lost right now without you. you are my hero, my love. with you by my side i know that i can accomplish anything. you are my strength when i'm weak, my warmth when i am cold, my eyes that show me things i can't see on my own, my heartbeat that keeps me going everyday. i love you for every little thing that you do- like chew on your finger when you talk on the phone (cute!). and for every big thing that you do- like tell me you love me. ME baby. you love me. wow. it still blows my mind sometimes. how did someone like you pick someone like me to love? how did i ever get so lucky, God? and i look forward to everyday that You give me with this man that i love so much. i promise to cherish him in everyway, be there thru all the times, good and bad. to be his strength, his rock. to be his shoulder and listen to everyword. to be his hand to hold, for times when words just won't do. and i promise to love him more every minute of everyday. please watch over him while we are apart and keep him safe. help him to be happy even tho i'm not there. we'll be together very soon, meeting each others families! give us strength! we're gonna need it! lol! and watch over us lord. we would not be here today if you had not whispered in our ears to persevere. thru all the trials that we went thru, they were so we could be standing here together today. and i will thank you every minute of my life for that. josh~ only 35 days until i am outta here and on my way home! and only a few after that until i see you again! until then, know that i love you and miss you and am praying for you everyday. i will thinkof you every moment i am awake and dream about every second that i am asleep. you are my love. my life. adn i cannot wait to see where our adventure takes us.forever yours,jess