Friday, November 03, 2006

Coop come to visit!

Hi again everyone!! well, coop came down from Miramar to visit us!! I really missed her!! :-) She went with me and krysten and josh and a few other ppl to go eat at Denny's and just hang out!! It was really great to getta good dose of her happy! She loves her new squadron (vmfa-232). and... she may even wanna stay in the Marine Corps!!! Go for it girl!! If it makes you happy, you go for it!! I stand behind ya whatever you do!! MUAH!!

1 comment:

Lynne Howard said...

jess, you are so pretty! I saw lizzy last night and we can't WAIT TO SEE YOU SOON! I can't wait to meet this Josh fellow...! I am so glad you are happy and in love with him! I just hope he knows how LUCKY he is to have you! Love and miss you, see ya SOON Messy Jessie Wessy Poo! - Anne