Well Hellloooo!! Konichiwa! It's been a while, huh?! My apologies! I get busy, what can I say? ;) Lol, so how is the States!! You all need to start posting on here and letting me know!! You all know how it is here! And I'm getting a digital camera on Wednesday so I can start posting pix on here for ya!! And you all better do the same!! Annie from COLORADO!!!! Lynnie from Indiana, Michigan, and New York ( which is really fun by the way! I recommend going to the Toys R Us in Times Square!!) And I know Lizzie goes so many different places with her family!!! So you all need to post some for me!! Lol!! ESPECIALLY ANNIE IN COLORADO!! I am sooo jealous of you right now!!! She KNOWS she is in my favorite place on the whole entire planet!!! Gosh! And actually, this blog is going to be about a little piece of my heart that I wrote the summer after we came back from working out West. Man, I fell so in love with that place that I've been homesick for it ever since! Ask the girls! It's the only place I ever talk about (even tho where we worked stunk, we still had a blast with the Gores!! :) ). I moved so much when I was younger that every place looked the same to me; this was the only place that was different. It was it's own little world. So Beautiful. Anyway~ This is what the little piece said (and remember, I tend to get a little poetic sometimes, lol):
"...Well, I got an email from Mary, my forman's wife from my job out in Colorado this past summer. As I was emailing her back, telling her how much I missed her, Yancy, and the kids..., I began to realize how much I missed the West as well. The mountains in their ageless majesty; the sunrises, never the same as the last; the grass, greener than any shade Crayola can come up with; the rivers, restless and wild, making their place in this world; the cattle, making the West what it truely is; the cowboys in their silent grace and chivalry; and the sky, with its consuming purpose, going on forever, demanding attention, yet tiring of it all. I love the change of weather, it can come on sudden and ruthless, yet leave quietly, and as suddenly as it came, drenching the land and quenching its thirst. That land is in me. I yearn for it with every breath I take. As I wrote to Mary telling her how much I missed all of this, I felt overcome with a longing from deep within my heart. It was this homesickness I just couldn't explain. A homesickness from my own home. But, I guess that's not true is it? This place (Indiana), desolate, bleak, flat, cold, this is just where I live for the moment. Home is where your heart lies, and I believe I left it lying out West somewhere, waiting for my return. *sigh* But God does have everything set out in His plans, in His will. Everything happens for a reason. So I will do here all that He asks of me. But, God, will you ever let me return to where my heart desires? That or ebb this heartsickening homesickness for this place so far beyond my reach? Like Heaven on Earth, that West you've made for me...Love, Your Daughter"
Boy, I sure can go on, huh? Haha! But, maybe this will help all those ppl who ask me why I love it there so much, but can't really understand it because I was only there for work for the summer. Maybe it'll just confuse you. But to the 3 of us who were there, and for those who have been there and FELT the magic, they will understand. And they will smile at my "silliness" and my "sentiments". But, they will understand. And that, my friends, is all that matters. ~ In The Big Guy, me
girl, when you called the other day, i was at joe's at his cookout and i just didn't get to my phone in time....right after you hung up, then i heard the message and was like NOOOOOOOO CALL BACKKKKKK........but i was soo happy to get the message anyway! and am hoping maybe you'll call again, or leave your # so i can call you!!! love ya!
btw- that is beautiful and makes me miss CO too.....
HEY JESS! It is JUNE 14 and you need to UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!! Check mine I have been updating it, and btw what is your address again?!?! LOVE YA -AP
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