Great news everybody!! We (Vmfa-212) are about to head our way down to Australia in the next few weeks! How exciting will that be!!! :) I'll take lots of pictures for you all ok?!:) And I WILL learn how to post them on here! :) Lol!
The bad news is tho, that my b/f won't be able to go with us! Because he is due to leave before we come back to Iwakuni, he has to stay behind. :( That Sucks! :(
But on a better note.... hmmm... things are going alright here for the time being! Can't wait to take a little vacation from Iwakuni tho!
Well, need to get off here and get to sleep... mando fun day tomorrow!! :s
Love you all very much! Hope to talk to you soon! Miss you! ~Jess
There's some great surf in Aus, I hear! Maybe Jen and I should visit!!
JESS!! That's awesome! I am excited for you. Have a blast for me ok?! Check your email, I sent you one! I would love to see pictures on here, so figure out how to work it, marine :) Hope things are goin good for you, you are in my prayers. Miss and love you tons! -ANNE
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