Well, here we go! Time to get this thing updated! Even tho it IS one am! Lol! It's ok tho cuz I getta have the day off tomorrow! :) Sleep, sleep, sleep! And girls night out! It's one of my girl's bday so we're surprising her by taking her out Kareoke-ing! (Wow, i sure jacked that spelling up! Oh, well! My "Give a Damn's Busted!"- Jo Deanne McCeena) It will be a BLAST!! Haha! She's gonna be 27! That's why we call her Grandma! Lol! Anyway.... well, to update everyone, as of this past Monday (13 June) I have been fapped outta my shop to be the Vmfa-212 Expeditor until Christmas! It means I'll getta order all of the parts that we put into the jet, but not just for my shop; for all of them. So, it will be an interesting and learning experience. And when we go on our Squadron det to Australia July-August, I will get to go back and work in my shop! So that will be great! :) Australia will be sooo much fun! I will take a zillion pictures! And buy everyone something! And play with Walabees! But the part that makes it sad is that my baby won't be able to go with us. Because he is scheduled to leave here to go to another squadron the week we are sceduled to get back, they won't let him go because they don't want to risk him missing his flight out of here and messing up his orders. :( *sigh*.............what else? Well, there's not much else to tell.... I've finally gotten a digital camera! So I will try to figure out how to get pix on here! :) Then I will go thru and put a pix with every entry! :)
Well, I do love you all but I need to go! This hurts my poor eyeballs!! :)
2 my little Angel~ Baby girl, I miss you more than you could know, and I love you more than air. Ppl can't live w/o air and I can't live without you! Be a good girl for me! And don't worry, you'll be 6 soon, and I'll be home soon after that! And take care of Bubby and your new little brother, Matt! Big sisters have big responsibility! :)
Love forever from Far Away~ Jessie
*1 Cor. 13:4*
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