Happy Birthday to the greatest step-monster, Beth < ;) > and to my two bestest friends in the whole world, Anne and Lynne!!! :) I DID NOT forget, my email is just being stupid and won't let me into anything!!!! Arg! (What's up with that crap?!) I do miss all of you and love you very much and will call you AS SOON AS I get back to Iwakuni, ok?! Promise!!
Well, Australia is Great!! I LOVE it here, sooooo much better than in Japan! There are way less people here and there is sooo much land! And so many animals! Magpies!! Haven't seen those since CO. :)
But, I will admit, that I can't wait to get back and sleep in my own room and in my own bed (these beds are so hard!). And I know that the sooner we are back in 'Kuni, the sooner the time will come for me to leave for the STATES!! I wanna go to VMFA (AW)-121 in Miramar, California. 121 is the squadron here with us now. And, if you wonder "why them?", it's because they are not a boat squadron. They will be going to Iraq around March 07 which is right after I get outta here (January 07). :) Yes.... per diem... :)
Lol, anyway. I need to get outta here because I am at work borrowing a computer, on my off time, and since my hotmail account isn't working right, I don't need to take up night crew's work time emailing everyone! I just want you all to know that I miss you all very much and love you more than any of you can imagine. I guess you just realize how much more family and close friends mean when you are so very far away from them and everything you've ever known. Family has always been number one, the absolute most important thing above all else. You just realize it more when they're not there. And even tho life goes on without you back home, and you meet new friends and they become family, you never forget where you came from. You will always refer to where you grew up at as home and the ppl you've always known as family. Ppl will come and go from your life, and you will take good and bad things from them, things you will learn from and want to remember, but they will walk out as quickly and as quietly as they came, leaving footprints on you heart. :) Some of those ppl will stay longer than others, and a few may even hang around for many many years. Just don't ever forget the things most important to you. Don't ever forget where you came from. And never brush aside your family. Because when everyone else ditches you in a time of need, they are the only ones who will stand beside you regardless of the facts.
Well, I feel like this has turned into a little speech, so maybe it's time for me to go now. :) I just hope somebody gets my point, if there even was one. :) But, we all know how I like to go off on tangents. :)
Hugs, Kisses, and Cookies for my kids, Love Forever ~ Jessie
jessie wessie pooooooooo
-keep us updated....
jessie wessie pooooooooo
-keep us updated....
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