So I was talking to an old friend from back home the other day right, and we have had this on going debate forever and she brings it back up. The same question as always but for some reason my answer wasn't. She really had me thinking this time. So I proceed to ask other ppl I know and talk to all of the time and get there opinions on the subject. Of course I always get a different answer every time, so I decided I'd post it on here and gouge a reaction out of everyone else. Topic at hand: Ok, So back in high school the two of us read this book right, called the "Birth Order Connection", or something along those lines. And we sat down and discussed what it was that we each had read and what our views on the subject were. Well, me, tho practical on most subjects, when it comes to love and romance I tend to have a very Cinderella, fairy tale view on how it should go. I'm all about a life long partnership and that there is one person made for everyone. She on the other hand, to my dismay but not to my surprise, agreed with the author that there is not one person for everyone but that in life there are in fact many ppl with whom you can marry and live a comfortable life with. Now I'm not saying to marry MANY ppl, no no, just that there are many different ppl with different personalities that you can be compatable with and with any given one you can settle down and live a happy life with. Well this got me thinking. For the first time on the subject, REALLY thinking. Could it be possible that there is more than one person out there that you could marry and be happy with? Or is there the ONE person that you could marry and you'd be perfect for each other, or at least, as near to perfect as you can get? Hmmm... That's a really hard one to answer. I think that I may just have to stick with my fairy tale views on this one. :) Maybe that's why I'm so picky, eh? Oh well, it's always worked for me before. :) The trick is finding that one person... :)
Anyway~ GUESS WHAT!!? I have volunteered at the vet clinic here on base!! I am sooo excited! It will be good for my sanity (lol) and it can give me college credit hours! Yea!! Oh ya, my classes have started up by the way too! :) Biology! Wish me luck!
What else? Oh! My SSgt gets promoted to Gunny tomorrow!! At 0800! Congtats SSgt Askew!! Then he turns around and leaves to his new command on Friday! :( And Gunny Skaggs leaves on like the 16th of September! He's gettin outta the Marine Corps! :( Gosh! Everybody is leaving! I sure do wish that I were leaving :(
Well, Australia was cool, but I'm glad to be back in Japan. Boy, never thought that I'd say that! But I sure was spendin way too much money there! My Bday was fun tho. Sat around with a few old friends and some new ones and played cards all night! :) Good times... :)
ok, I need to get off here and go home. I gotta go back to work tomorrow. :( Sigh. At least I go back to my shop in December. Let's just hope I can talk them into sending me to WTI in September. At least I'll be on actual U.S. soil, who cares if I work the whole time?
Take care and I'll call y'all soon. Kisses~ Jessie
*Ecclesiastes 7:8
1 comment:
jess- i think God has made someone just for you! and i'm sure you'll find him when the time is right!
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