Today I learned some very devestating news.... my dog died. Even tho Heidi did not physically belong to me, she was a part of my life. Heidi taught me that all dogs were not the same; that they were not all evil creatures who will eat you at the drop of a hat. Heidi taught me to love dogs again. Jeez, Heidi just taught me another kind of love all together.... and she showed me how to be happy all the time. Heidi was the happiest of creatures no matter what.. if it was raining... if the sun was shining.... if the Twins and I went riding all day and didn't let her come, she still showered us with love and kisses when we returned - she never stayed upset with us. God showed His Love thru Heidi every day. That love was an absolutely unconditional all of the time thing. I never knew Heidi to be unhappy, even when she got sick. Her tail always thumped thru the floor whenever someone walked in. She didn't ever care if you were a stranger, she just knew you needed lovin too. And she gave it to you, with out question. Even thoses of us who probably didn't deserve it. She always gave you her all. Heidi was one of the greatest friends of my life. She was always so good to me... even when I didn't deserve it. I owe her so much, but I never got the chance to tell her. I never got to say goodbye to you Heidi. I just hope you can forgive me for leaving you, just like I've left everyone else. And I hope you are living in the Lord's house right now, keeping his feet warm. I know He has a special place for you right by His side. I can only hope, that one day when I get to Heaven, you will be there at the gates to greet me, tail wagging and that wonderful little smile on your face... May God Bless and Keep you Always, Heidi Girl....
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