Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

Well, Happy New Year Everybody! :) It's almost 3am! I just got done babysitting! :) Can't talk long.... need to get ready to go snoboarding in 2 1/2 hours! :)
MUAH! Love you all! Be safe and have fun this year!
In Christ,
p.s. watch King Kong and The Chronicles of Narnia! They are EXCELLENT! :)


April said...

Hey Jess...I'm glad your babysitting went good. I was praying for you! :-) I hope you had a great time snowboarding!

Lynne Howard said...

JESS! Post some pics of you snowboarding! Did you stay up more than you did skiing?? thanks for waking us up this morning :) Hope you are having fun! miss and love you girl

Lynne Howard said...

steph's big!!! and the new baby is SOOOO cute, we got to see his adorable little face....awwww...
and JESS we LOVEEEEEE the japanese things for christmas!!!! WONDERFUL! we love you!