Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ruth 1:16

Whew! It's been awhile! Sorry about that! I have been really busy with all the work for some inspections that we have coming up! :) So I don't getta lotta time to get one here! Like right now, I will probably hafta re-save this ( I started this the other day. I dunno what date this will show up on my page) and then work on it later. We will see how long it will take. Today is Sunday, 29 January 2006. :) And I am at work! Yea! :) This week is our AMI Inspection. Our CGI Inspection will be here within the next couple of weeks, so please keep our squadron in your prayers. Especially now, with all that has happened lately, I ask for your prayers for everyone. Our squadron is on our way on our road of success, as our CO says, but right now we have ran into a few bumps in that road. :S
Well, I try to put pictures on here with all of my letters. :) I had to go back and update some, so.... :) I hope you guys like them!
I must go to work, so I am gonna post this now! I love you all and will talk to you soon!! Please keep us in your prayers!!!!
p.s. Happy Birthday Chris!!! :) I will be sending your stuff out very soon! :) Work is really busy! :) But I do love you! I didn't forget! :D

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