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To: My Best Friends in the Entire World!From: Your JessMUAH!!!! Annie, do you remember making this day years ago?! Do you remember why we made it? I was living "far away" at the time, and we didn't want our friendship to suffer! :-) I have always seemed to live far away, huh?! but, you two have always been right there for me! All of the time! I love you very much!
Ya know, it has always been in my nature to give ppl the benefit of the doubt; give them the chance to prove themselves before judgment. But, once you watch so much crap happen, you eventually just don't trust anyone for any reason and suspect everyone of everything. Now, I'm sure I have confused you all right about now. So, lemme break it all down for you...I have a friend who is a very honest and kind person. She has a great personality and a thirst for life. And she is the type of person that when she loves somebody, she loves them with all she has. There's no holding back with her. Unlike me; I'm so afraid of being hurt AGAIN, that I push everyone away and lock away the "love" part of my heart. It takes me FOREVER to say I love you. And I won't say it if I don't mean it. That's just the way I am. She loves to date and meet ppl because she is searching for her soulmate. Me, I am just hoping he will find me. And I watch her go thru heartbreak after heartbreak. If my heart broke as much as hers did, I wouldn't be able to put together all the pieces. But, despite all the bad days, she has great ones too. She believes in moving on and enjoying life. Yet, I see everything these guys put her thru. The charm, the "heart felt apologies", the roses & candies... but, did they even mean any of it?! Or was it all sweet talk just to find someone to sleep with? I mean, guys say that "they're different". But, different from whom? So far, they are all the same... you find me one who is truely different, (ha!) and I'll be sure to marry him...
CGI goes today and tomorrow! And I am tired!! Went to bed at 11 last night and then I woke up at 2:30 this morning! Now I'm exhausted! Can't ya tell?! Lol, well, gotta get back to work! Muah!~ This me and Cpl Walz (powerline) just chillin in the shop, waitin for launches.
Hello everybody!! Well, here I am again!! Sorry it's been a while! We are CrAzY busy at work!! Whew! It's Saturday and everybody is at work until around 1300! Then we have our Squadron Picnic today!! I really wanna go! But, unfortunately, I have duty today. :-( And I really wanted to go! Sigh* Oh, well. We do what we have to do!Not to much to tell about here! Japan is starting to warm up! That's the great part! And our squadron Cruise Books are here!! Yea! They turned out really nice!! So, all in all, things are going well over here! I miss you all and love you all very much!! I hope to talk to you all very soon!Love from Far Away!~Jessie

I love this ring! I found it on James Avery @ yee!!! :-) Isn't it beautiful?! Wanna know what it says?!"Whither thou goest, I will follow".....Also, I love the "Lover's Knot". Doncha just love James Avery?! Whew! I could go on all day about the great stuff there!!