Saturday, October 28, 2006

Yuma, Arizona

ok, so, I have been at WTI for about 6 weeks now! I go back to Iwakuni around the 7th, so, when I get back there I PROMISE to go back and update pics and such from Australia! Ok?!
Right now, I am just doin nothing really at work everyday and hanging out with Josh as much as I can! Then, I go back to Iwakuni until around the 15-16 December and then I am going to take 30 days of leave and then drive my truck out to Miramar, California!! I am going to VMFA-225. The Vikings! Wish me luck! Well, I am gonna go! A few of us are about to go bowling!! Muah!!
p.s. this time around it's States time! Muah!


Josh Quigley said...


Lynne Howard said...

it's about time! :)

Lynne Howard said...

hey jess! Hope you had a great halloween! thanks for the little gifts you sent from Aussie! I miss you! Love ya, ANNE


Hey Jessie! I finally learned how to leave a message! I miss you girlie! Muah!