Monday, November 20, 2006

24 days...

the countdown has already begun, if you haven't been able to tell... then now you know! Well, I was just goin thru some pics that I FINALLY got put onto a cd and found some of me and my BABY!! in Yuma! this is from Oct 21st!! One of our frequent trips to Starbucks!!
Love you baby!!!


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait either!!! I am so excited about seeing you at Christmas, and meeting everyone :)

You are beautiful, and I will love you forever!

Josh :)-

Lynne Howard said...

oh gosh, jess, are you guys this mushy in real life??! ha ha, its pretty sweet. see ya shortly! we are excited!! DEFINITELY going RIDING!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey baby! Happy Thanksgiving! I love and miss you sooooooo much. I hope that you had a wonderful day. GOBBLE GOBBLE!
