So this is our first day adventuring!! We didn't get very far!! Haha! Just the local places like In-N-Out and the mall! It was fun tho! Lots for her to take in at once!! That's for sure!!!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Time to Explore (for Anne!)
Haha!! Here we are at the mall, La Jolla Village... don't I look happy to have my picture taken?!
And here is Anne who, on the other hand, LOVES to have her picture taken!!
This IS my smile....
Mmmmmm... Pick Up Sticks..... Baby.... are you hungry yet?!
And here is Anne and I about to take a tour of my FAVORITE store!!! Barnes and Nobles!!
Animal style fries!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In and Out... mmmm mmmm GOOD!
Anne's very first bite of In-N-Out! She was impressed!
heehee! And here I am at the mall, signing Josh and I up for the chance to win a F.J. Cruiser!!
So this is our first day adventuring!! We didn't get very far!! Haha! Just the local places like In-N-Out and the mall! It was fun tho! Lots for her to take in at once!! That's for sure!!!
So this is our first day adventuring!! We didn't get very far!! Haha! Just the local places like In-N-Out and the mall! It was fun tho! Lots for her to take in at once!! That's for sure!!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Finally Home!
Anne and I have FINALLY made it back to San Diego!! Long DRIVE!! WOW! But, here we are!!! And Josh Ott (& his g/f) and Tommy Kopp (& his g/f) came over to help me move the stuff inside! MAN! I'm glad that they were all willing to help! It NEVER would have made it inside! Lol!! That mattress is H-E-A-V-Y!!!!!!
So, they 4 of them stayed for lunch and we watched a ton of movies then they stayed for dinner! Anne is gonna be picture happy for a while I believe!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Here Without You ~ 3 Doors Down
Here I am sitting in Dallas Fort Worth Airport with Anne!! I was tellin Josh how we missed our flight to Lubbock because we are big idiots! Lol! I've flown for YEARS and this is the first time EVER that I have missed a flight! Ag! So, instead of getting there at 1325, we got there at 1930!
Here's me with Mya, Nikki's HUGE Shepard/Husky cross! She's so cute!!! She was sayin hi to me when I first arrived!
So, I decided to write Josh in the wee hours of the morning while Anne was still alseep and Evelyn & Ken were @ work! Nikki was getting ready for school!
And I took this pic for Josh! I'm wearing his jacket and sitting on his truck!! Woo woo! hott stuff baby!
Here's Josh's mom, Evelyn, his gma Treva Phillips, and me!!!! She is doing GREAT after hip replacement surgery this past January!
And here we are at Josh's fav. little burger joint, Buns Over Texas!! I ate the cheese fries and Ranch for you baby!!!!
And here's Josh's brother Zach with his beautiful daughter Zoey! He would give her the moon if it were possible!!!!

This is the Quigley Family!! My AWESOME inlaws all eating dinner at Furr's! These guys are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME! Love you guys!

And here is one of the newest additions to the family, Drew! This was the ONLY time that night that I looked at him and he DIDN'T cry!

And here we are, stoppin in Arizona somewhere to strap the tarp a little tighter and make sure all the straps are snug and secure!
Anne and I stopped by Josh's favorite store, Mountain Hideaway, where I met his owner friend Kyle and his buddy Garrett Mitchell! And I bought him some shirts!
This is the Quigley Family!! My AWESOME inlaws all eating dinner at Furr's! These guys are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME! Love you guys!
And here is one of the newest additions to the family, Drew! This was the ONLY time that night that I looked at him and he DIDN'T cry!
And here is Nikki, Josh's sister, & I just messin around in the kitchen!
PRUNES!!! Lol, Zoey loves it when Gma feeds her prunes!
Don't I just look happy?! Haha! We're on our way outta Texas back to San Diego!! And what a nice trip it was! A little windy near White Sands Missile Range, but, beautiful all together!
Haha, and here is our little photographer and my new roommate for the summer, Anne!! My best friend from back home!!!!!
"100 days to make me older, since the last time that I saw your pretty face...."
Hey Everbody!! Sorry it's taken me soooooooooooooooooo LONG to update this!! I was keepin myself pretty busy there for a while! Right now, I am at my in-laws house in Lubbock, TX! I am here until Saturday morning and then Anne and I are goin to drive Josh's truck and some furniture home to San Diego, where, Anne is going to spend the summer with me!! Lol, we already had our first AMAZING adventure yesterday when we missed our flight out of Dallas Fort Worth and had to sit there and be on standby for another 7 hours!! Ah!! But, we finally made it! And I am enjoying every second of vacation with my in-laws who are just GREAT!! Ken and Evelyn Quigley are the greatest in-laws that anyone could ever hope to have!! Sometimes I wonder if I have been over blessed in life to have found Josh and his family and have them in my life. They are SUCH a blessing!! I love you guys!!
It does kinda make me sad to be here without Josh tho... the last time that I was here, he was with me, sharing every experience. But, Anne brought up a good point to me last night when she and I were talking. She is sad that she doesn't getta share this summer with Tyler but, I told her that sometimes you have to do things by yourself so that you can have stories to share with your significant other! Because if you did everything together, what would you really have to talk about?!! I do miss Josh tho... but, baby, I am gonna take LOTS of pictures for you!! And put em up when I get home!!!!
We're in the double digits now!!!!!! 100 days has gone by!!! Now, it's double digits from here!! Do you know that 90 days is just 10 days away!! 90 days is 3 MONTHS!!!!!!! THAT'S ALL WE HAVE LEFT!!! Then we're together again!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I need to get off here and wake Anne up!! Everyone else is at work and school so, we're gonna take the day to explore a little and go to Mountain Hideawa (Josh's fav. store at home!) and get him some stuff!!! I'm so excited to drive your truck too, baby!! Don't worry, when you come home, I'll teach you how to drive it properly!! Haha!!!!
Love, with alll my heart, from home,
p.s. as for my new FAP, it's a SCAM job!! Whew! I'll tell ya ALL about that story later!!!
Hey Everbody!! Sorry it's taken me soooooooooooooooooo LONG to update this!! I was keepin myself pretty busy there for a while! Right now, I am at my in-laws house in Lubbock, TX! I am here until Saturday morning and then Anne and I are goin to drive Josh's truck and some furniture home to San Diego, where, Anne is going to spend the summer with me!! Lol, we already had our first AMAZING adventure yesterday when we missed our flight out of Dallas Fort Worth and had to sit there and be on standby for another 7 hours!! Ah!! But, we finally made it! And I am enjoying every second of vacation with my in-laws who are just GREAT!! Ken and Evelyn Quigley are the greatest in-laws that anyone could ever hope to have!! Sometimes I wonder if I have been over blessed in life to have found Josh and his family and have them in my life. They are SUCH a blessing!! I love you guys!!
It does kinda make me sad to be here without Josh tho... the last time that I was here, he was with me, sharing every experience. But, Anne brought up a good point to me last night when she and I were talking. She is sad that she doesn't getta share this summer with Tyler but, I told her that sometimes you have to do things by yourself so that you can have stories to share with your significant other! Because if you did everything together, what would you really have to talk about?!! I do miss Josh tho... but, baby, I am gonna take LOTS of pictures for you!! And put em up when I get home!!!!
We're in the double digits now!!!!!! 100 days has gone by!!! Now, it's double digits from here!! Do you know that 90 days is just 10 days away!! 90 days is 3 MONTHS!!!!!!! THAT'S ALL WE HAVE LEFT!!! Then we're together again!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I need to get off here and wake Anne up!! Everyone else is at work and school so, we're gonna take the day to explore a little and go to Mountain Hideawa (Josh's fav. store at home!) and get him some stuff!!! I'm so excited to drive your truck too, baby!! Don't worry, when you come home, I'll teach you how to drive it properly!! Haha!!!!
Love, with alll my heart, from home,
p.s. as for my new FAP, it's a SCAM job!! Whew! I'll tell ya ALL about that story later!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Josh sent Pics!!!!

BUT, we're gettin thru!! And I sure can't WAIT to see him again! So, just keep praying for him and for us! We really appreciate them all!
The top pics are of Josh workin, not payin any attention!! Lol! And this bottom picture was taken for his Ordnanceman of the Year Board that he is on right now! =D Good luck baby! I know you will win!
I love you with all my heart and cannot WAIT to hear your voice again!!! ~ Forever yours, me
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
New Again
Hello Everybody!! It's me again!! Today I FINALLY got our own internet at the house! Whew! Now I can get on anytime I want and not have to wait for someone else to get on! :-P Yea!!
I also updated back to the 31st of March on the weekend I went up to Balboa Island with Coop! So, if ya getta chance, scroll back a couple blogs and have a look! :-)
So, for those of you who do not know already, I am officially in VMFAT-101. I am no longer with VMFA(AW)-225. :( I'm sad too, because they were a really good squadron with lots of fun, hardworking ppl! But, this way is better because now I will be here when Josh gets back from Iraq! We won't have to be away from each other for 14 months! And, hopefully, they can fix my arm in these next few months! We'll see! I doubt it, but, we will see! :) And now because I am with 101, I have a 3 day weekend! They are taking and extra day for the Easter Holiday and Good Friday where 225 was not! :-) So....see? Some good did come out of it! ;-) Heehee...
Anne is coming out in 20 + hours/ days!! Haha, that made no sense, sorry! Less than 21 days but only by a few hours! :) Fingers crossed that 101 will accept my leave from 225! If not... Anne.... we're screwed!! But, everyone seems to think that they will, so... :-)
Well, I need to get offa here and make some Breakfast Casserole! :-) Love and miss everyone! And, Josh, it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD to hear your voice today! :-) You can make me smile always, and whenever I hear your voice, no matter how sad or angry I am, it cheers me right up! I love you with all my heart! Take care of yourself and sweet dreams... I'll meet you there... Love Always, Jess
Monday, April 02, 2007
What a weekend!!!
Sand Storms in Iraq! Wow!
Here's Josh and one of his buddies, Aguilar!
My handsome husband that I miss so much!!!!

Here's Josh and one of his buddies, Aguilar!
My handsome husband that I miss so much!!!!
Yea!!!! I got more pictures today!! And would ya look at that sand storm! Whew!!! Crazy stuff!! Poor Josh, his allergies must be killer!! :-( Sorry baby! Hope the Sudafed helps!!!! :-) Oh! And I sent out your other package today!! Lemme know when it gets there!!
I really miss you. :( It's just not the same here without you and it's gonna be crazy when you get home! Lol, we're never gonna leave the house for like a week! Haha!! Just hangin out and relaxing; no work, no worries... I can't WAIT!!! :-) Neither can the two trouble makers!! Heehee! I'm sure they'll be so happy to see you! After dealing with me for 7 months... lol, they can just have someone else to tell them to get off the counters!!! Heehee...
I had my first lesson this weekend!! On Sunday with my new trainer, Emily! Boy, am I really outta riding shape!! My legs were like Jell0! I felt like I was bouncing all over the place! Three years without riding gets ya! But, she assured me that I looked good and was probably feeling worse than I looked! That was a real relief to hear that! Lemme tell ya! Next week will be better and I'm moving right along!! Oh! And I rode in a Dressage saddle for the first time ever! It's a lot different from a jumping saddle; the skirt is longer and you keep the stirrups longer as well. Takes a little getting used to, but, I'm not complaining! It's an English saddle! And the horse who gave me the ride was a very nice, recently retired, 20 yr old polo pony! :-) His name is 4-H. This week I will be riding Onassis! So, wish me luck!
I'll back date about the rest of this weekend with pics (they're all on the computer at home!). So, be sure to check back soon!
Love you Josh!! And I miss you so much!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!! Be safe! Love, me
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