Monday, April 02, 2007

What a weekend!!!

Sand Storms in Iraq! Wow!
Here's Josh and one of his buddies, Aguilar!
My handsome husband that I miss so much!!!!

Yea!!!! I got more pictures today!! And would ya look at that sand storm! Whew!!! Crazy stuff!! Poor Josh, his allergies must be killer!! :-( Sorry baby! Hope the Sudafed helps!!!! :-) Oh! And I sent out your other package today!! Lemme know when it gets there!!
I really miss you. :( It's just not the same here without you and it's gonna be crazy when you get home! Lol, we're never gonna leave the house for like a week! Haha!! Just hangin out and relaxing; no work, no worries... I can't WAIT!!! :-) Neither can the two trouble makers!! Heehee! I'm sure they'll be so happy to see you! After dealing with me for 7 months... lol, they can just have someone else to tell them to get off the counters!!! Heehee...
I had my first lesson this weekend!! On Sunday with my new trainer, Emily! Boy, am I really outta riding shape!! My legs were like Jell0! I felt like I was bouncing all over the place! Three years without riding gets ya! But, she assured me that I looked good and was probably feeling worse than I looked! That was a real relief to hear that! Lemme tell ya! Next week will be better and I'm moving right along!! Oh! And I rode in a Dressage saddle for the first time ever! It's a lot different from a jumping saddle; the skirt is longer and you keep the stirrups longer as well. Takes a little getting used to, but, I'm not complaining! It's an English saddle! And the horse who gave me the ride was a very nice, recently retired, 20 yr old polo pony! :-) His name is 4-H. This week I will be riding Onassis! So, wish me luck!
I'll back date about the rest of this weekend with pics (they're all on the computer at home!). So, be sure to check back soon!
Love you Josh!! And I miss you so much!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!! Be safe! Love, me

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