Thursday, April 05, 2007

New Again

Hello Everybody!! It's me again!! Today I FINALLY got our own internet at the house! Whew! Now I can get on anytime I want and not have to wait for someone else to get on! :-P Yea!!
I also updated back to the 31st of March on the weekend I went up to Balboa Island with Coop! So, if ya getta chance, scroll back a couple blogs and have a look! :-)
So, for those of you who do not know already, I am officially in VMFAT-101. I am no longer with VMFA(AW)-225. :( I'm sad too, because they were a really good squadron with lots of fun, hardworking ppl! But, this way is better because now I will be here when Josh gets back from Iraq! We won't have to be away from each other for 14 months! And, hopefully, they can fix my arm in these next few months! We'll see! I doubt it, but, we will see! :) And now because I am with 101, I have a 3 day weekend! They are taking and extra day for the Easter Holiday and Good Friday where 225 was not! :-) So....see? Some good did come out of it! ;-) Heehee...
Anne is coming out in 20 + hours/ days!! Haha, that made no sense, sorry! Less than 21 days but only by a few hours! :) Fingers crossed that 101 will accept my leave from 225! If not... Anne.... we're screwed!! But, everyone seems to think that they will, so... :-)
Well, I need to get offa here and make some Breakfast Casserole! :-) Love and miss everyone! And, Josh, it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD to hear your voice today! :-) You can make me smile always, and whenever I hear your voice, no matter how sad or angry I am, it cheers me right up! I love you with all my heart! Take care of yourself and sweet dreams... I'll meet you there... Love Always, Jess


Anonymous said...

I can't wait until you are making ME breakfast casserole!!! you are a good cook! and your omelets...! yum! get practicing cuz I am gonna expect some GOOD cooking! :) I will try to make you dinner too sometime! You HAVE to eat it ok?! See ya SOON!!!!

Josh Quigley said...

BABY!!!!!! I love you so much! Have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful thing on this earth :)

Lets go climb some mountains and get lost together.

I miss you more that ever and am counting the days until I am in your arms. I hope that you and Anne have a great time this summer!!!! When I come home, I have a date planned already. MUAH!

Yours forever and ever