Monday, May 07, 2007

Up to date...

Ok!!! Mostly, I am up to date!!! I was gonna do more but, between updating this and my face book, I am TIRED!!! It's 2230... and I know that I'm not gonna sleep anytime soon but, I gotta try!! My eyes hurt tho so, I can't stay on here for much longer!! Tomorrow I will upload all Josh's new pics on here!! He looks so cute!!!!

As for me.... I am not working in a squadron anymore... FAP'd out once again, and htis time to the I.D. Center, which is really fun actually! I have caught on fast so, it's pretty easy! And so laid back! Man! It's nice to have a 0715- 1530 schedule instead on 6-6!! What a break!! And when Josh comes home, he says that he's just gonna get off when I do! Haha!! I love him!! And miss him!!! but, we're FINALLY past 90 days!!! A little over 3 months left! And think, it seems like he left only yesterday.....

But, I am off to try and get a few hours of sleep! The chiropractor was not excited about my stiffness in my neck and back when I went to see him today so... I should probably go do my excersices!! = S

Love and miss you all! MUAH!!!

Catch ya on the flip side.......

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