So, how do I update the last month and a half, maybe?! Well, we can start off with these AMAZING flowers that my husband sent to me from over in Iraq!!!! Isn't he the best!! And they arrive on the PERFECT day!!!!!! I wanted to cry when I got home and saw them!! Isn't he just the sweetest man that you have ever met?!
And isn't he the cutest too?! = ) This is Josh gettin pics of a major sand storm that blew thru the area! Isn't this nuts?! And this isn't even the worst of it, he says!!! Oh my goodness!! W-O-W!! Anybody ever seen the Mummy?!
And here is Anne and I at La Jolla Beach, on a rather cloudy day! It was actually sunny and not windy earlier that day! But, once we got there, it was cold and kinda nasty! then once we left, pure sunshine! How rude!!
And here are our friends, Rafe and Kyna Beresh; they went to La Jolla with us. = ) Aren't they just so cute?! These two are some of the nicest ppl that I have ever met!! = ) And man, can Kyna cook!!!! Mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this is me and my new mount, Max. Max is an interesting character. He has a mouth as soft as butter and sides like lead!! And this past Sunday, we had a "Rodeo Ride", meaning he started to gallop and THREW ME INTO A FENCE!!! Lol, and all 3 trainers that were out there giving lessons, said I did a damn good job trying to stay on but, he wanted me OFF! And that is exactly were I went! OFF! And into the fence!! I landed pretty hard on my left hip; I've been stiff and sore all weekend but, and finally starting to feel better! I rode Onassis yesterday, as a break, and we did a little trail ride to mix it up a bit! = )
And this was later on Sunday night, after Max threw me; Anne and I walked to the dog park down the road behind my apartment complax so that way I didn't get stiff (er)! = ) It was a fun little walk, except for on the way back when it was all up hill! Geez!!!!!!
And for those of you who do not already know, Anne is going back earlier than expected. instead of staying the whole summer, she is going back to Indiana on June 12th. Her b/f talked her into goin back so.....
.... now its just me and my babies again! Soon anyway. What would I ever do without my girls? They are my constant... always waiting behind the door when I come home at night..... always curling up beside me to go to sleep (when they don't feel the need to annoy Anne)... playing with me... hoping up on my lap when I am sad.... = )And sooo........ this makes me updated!! Anne and I still have lots of stuff to do in the week & a 1/2 before she leaves!! Like, go catch a movie at the theatre so I can show her how BIG it is (I also saw Pirates of the Carribean 3 this past Saturday!! Good Movie!), eat at Islands, go to the Zoo, drive up Highway 1, and things like that...... = ) And Saturday, GUESS WHAT?!?! I get to have another VIDEO CONFERENCE WITH JOSH!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting is that?!! And Saturday is his BIRTHDAY!!!!! Yea!! What a present!!! Lol, for both of us!!! I can't WAIT to talk to you baby!!!!
Well, I'm off to watch Maid in Manhatan with Anne! MUAH!!! Love y'all!!
p.s. 65 days baby!! Whoo hoo!!
1 comment:
time for another update! I wanna see your hair!!! - anne
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