Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bad News

Well, for those of you who don't know... most of your probably don't, Josh is not coming home August 5th, like we were planning. Instead he won't be coming home until the 5th of September or later. I've already changed the count on all the counters and calenders; I'm having deja vu. I'm pretty sure we've already been there. Multiple times over the last 2+ years. But hey, that's the military for ya. Never get your hopes up. They have a tendency to come crashing back down. Hard. Life's not fair tho, right? I'll get over it. My memories of my first year of marriage will be emails and phone coversations. His will be that and sand. Yea us. 45 to 77. But hey, what's 30 more days, right? It's not like it's a lifetime or anything....

And, Mattie's ok. = ) He's home now, broken leg and all! Thank the Lord that he was ok otherwise!!! It could have been soooooooooooooooooooooo much worse!! His doctor says he'll spring right back, as he's 2 he'll heal quickly! And guess what?! No pins in his leg!! They put a full leg cast on him! So, fingers cross the break heals like it should!


Josh Quigley said...

My memories will not be of the sand, but of you!

I am coming home to you baby, as soon as they let me. 30 days is nothing for a lifetime together! Keep the light on baby! I will be there before you know it.

Josh 8)

Lynne Howard said...


Lynne Howard said...

post a pic of you with your hair!