Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ok!! So, I am FINALLY updating this! Lol! After everyone got on my case about it! So~ what have I been up to? Well I have been REALLY busy for the past two weeks! I haven't gotten home 'til really late most nights, if I have been home at all!!

= ) So, this is my new hairdo! How do ya like it?! Yes, Anne, it did cost a bit but, ya know, it was worth it! I like it and it really doesn't feel strange having long hair again! It's not completely my hair texture but, it works! And it curls!! I actually went out and bought a curling iron for the first time in my life! I can really act like a girly girl now! W-O-W!!

Let's see.... what else? I went to see Spiderman 3 last night with Rafe and Kyna! It was a good movie! Although, I did miss a fair bit because I walked out about half way thru it to talk to Josh!! = ) It's ok, I can re-watch it when it comes out on movie!! = )

Yesterday I also went back to David's Bridal with one of the girls I work with, Liv, so that she could try on wedding dresses for her wedding in Jan/Feb time frame!! Yea! And her daughter Julie is just cute, cute, CUTE!! Man! Everyone is having babies!!! First Melody and James having Tiana on 13 June, then turn around and Jen and Brandon Bruce had their super cute son Jaylon on 19 June! Awww~!! It makes me have baby syndrome!! Ah!!!! I know that we will have them one of these days; we're just not ready right now. We want to spend as much time as possible together before we have kids! = )

And, of course, Josh is not coming home when we thought. He has been moved back an extra 30 days. Which, it really makes me sad, but, I know it's just something that we have to work thru. We are very lucky, my husband and I. We have endured so much in the last few years, and we've come so far. God has really blessed us and I pray that He continues to bless our marriage! We've come so far!! I realize that when I look back and see just how far we really have come; when I see just how many days have gone by. It feels like a life time has passed and yet, it feels as if 71 days is still an eternity away. I shouldn't be bitter when I think about how it should really be 41 days... I just don't think about it, that way I'm not sad and angry. Nothing good can come of that. I was mad and now I've come to terms with the way things are. Sometimes I wonder tho, just why we are tested so much. I know that everyone has their own trials, sometimes it just feels like... well, I don't know. Sigh, I do know tho, that I cannot WAIT for Josh to come home! I miss my friend...

So, I am off to continue to clean my house!! eventually I will back date pictures from when Anne and I went to the Zoo and the fair and stuff!! = ) So, stay tuned!


Josh Quigley said...

I love this girl with all my heart! Your hair is beautiful baby!


Lynne Howard said...

hottie! hottie!! love the hair!

Anonymous said...

do you even know how to work a curling iron?!! ha ha - you are cute!