Thursday, March 03, 2005

As different as Night and Day...

Konichiwa! How is everybody that I know and love so well! And miss VERY MUCH! :) Things are great here!! I have finally made it back to my shop! Work is going well! I'm well on my way to developing those airframer muscles! Oohrah! Talk about motivated! :) Well, this will be really short cuz I need to get off of here and get to bed; it's 2230 and we have early show of 0600 tomorrow! Woo hoo!:) TGIF, huh? Lol! Except I gotta go in on Saturday morning! Heehee! So muah to all and I'll get in touch soon if I haven't so far! ok! Please don't crack on my spelling in this either! Lol! My contacts are fuzzy and I'm really tired! And to my most favorite little girl of all times, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUGGY GIRL!! Jess misses you sooooo much! I will see you soon baby doll! You be good and mind your Nannie, you here me!! :) I Love you more than air!
With all my love,
In Christ,
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
* Read James... it will give you courage in times full of trials, times such as these!

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