Thursday, March 10, 2005

If you give a Moose a Muffin...

...He will want a glass of milk. :) Isn't that the truth tho? No one is ever happy with what they have. They always want a little bit more. Yet, they never TRUST that God will provide them with all that they need. Myself included sometimes. Remember, it can be hard to trust in that which you cannot see. My word for the year has been trust. And boy that sure is a difficult word!! Honestly! How can a word be difficult? I'm not quite sure but it is! Lol! Well, this will be very short because I have 0600 early show tomorrow!! :) Oh, ya! Before I forget to mention it, a jet caught on fire today!! It was crazy!!! That was a very big mess to clean up! Wow! Well, I love you all, and you are ALL in my prayers, everyone of you who stops to read this. :) God Bless you all.
In Christ... me
ps, just for gunny, "and this one time, at band camp..." ;)


Lynne Howard said...

HEY jess, it is nice to see you blog on here, but we set up you on our blog so YOU could BLOG on it! and beleive it or not, some people do check it periodically hoping to see you post every now and then! Hope you can take some time, even a couple quick seconds or minutes to post on it every now and then! Hope things are going good for you and you are learning a lot and growing closer to God every day. You're in my prayers always, love ya! --AP

Anonymous said...

Hi there " Jessie " --- I was in the search engines researching SEO Software when I came upon your blog..... I don't know if you are out of place in the engines, or I am out of place and just don't realize it :-)