Thursday, April 14, 2005

"We are no strangers to ourselves, we only try to be." Dean Koontz

hey there all~ I'm having a great time here in Iwakuni!! I'm on duty right now for my squadron! :) Fun fun fun!! But definatly not as fun as gray belt training! It's fun but boy! it's really kickin my butt!! Lol! I miss you all very much! Sorry if the last so many entries where sad and lonely sounding! Life is definatly a challenge sometimes!! But it's loads of fun too! I'm working on my leave stuff for October, goin to Cooper's wedding in Hawaii! :) After the squadron gets back from Australia in the fall! Yea!! :) I'm so excited!! Ima take lots of pix of the wedding! Melissa (Cooper) and her fiance, Donovan, are sooo adorable! :) Wait till you all see the pix! I'll post 'em on here if I ever figure out how to do that! Lol! :)
Anyway, on to the whole reason for this blog! Unfortunately, it may be a little sadder than the stuff up top here. Or at least more confusing! Man, I wish you would all get a blog so you can give me your input!! Or at least email me and I'll put your comments on here via copy/paste from my email ok? :) Maybe it'll help somebody else. Who knows right?
Do you ever find it hard to talk to the ppl you feel really close to? Like the truth hurts to much to tell them? So, then what do you tell them? Obviously you can't lie to them. That's not even an option. It's not that you don't trust them with your secrets, it just hurts you more to repeat whatever it is that bugs you. Wow, that made NOOO sense! Lol! Only to me! :) Oh well. I'm sleepy. ;)
And another thing I forget: If you have made a promise to yourself, but then decide later that it's ok to change that promise, are you cheating yourself? Is it the same thing as breaking a promise to some other person? Even if you just decide it's ok and that you wanna change your mind? Hmm.. that's definatly something to ponder. What do you think? This is all based on your opinion, by the way, and may or may not have any effect on my decisions ;) Lol.... I make way less sense when I'm tired! And I worry about stuff way to much! Do you know that I already have gray hair ( which I like to refer to as silver) and any time soon I'm gonna have an ulcer! Just give it time!!
Well all, I love you and I miss you but I'm gonna go and be bored some more. :)
Love forever from a far away place,
In Him ~ Jessie
"Life is not about how fast you run or even with what degree of grace. It's about perseverence, about staying on your feet and slogging forward no matter what... even little dreams can't come true unless you persevere." - Dean Koontz


Lynne Howard said...

girl, post on "our" blog too! and i'll tell you how to put pics on! well i use if you go to that and connect it to your blog, you can upload pix and then blog them from can figure it out though... i love you. i'ma email you ok!

Lynne Howard said...

Jess - about your post - You have always been big on keeping promises, don't forget who you are because you are far away from home...but look at the circumstance, who or what will benefit or faulter because of the promise, whether you keep it or break it? Follow your dreams, and sometimes dreams change. Jess, don't give up on your dreams...I know how badly you want to accomplish those dreams (because I have them too!) and you CAN do it! This is just a step you have to take in life to get to them! Pray about it. I am praying for you - love ya, ANNE