Friday, May 13, 2005

Phillipians 4:13

Wow it's been a while!! Happy B-day Grandma!! I didn't forget I promise!! And Jenny, Josh, and Amber!! :) Lol!! I promise I didn't forget!!
Can you believe I've only been gone for almost 5 months?! Just a year and 8 months to go! Not that I'm counting down or anything!! Lol! I like it here!But it's definatley different from the states!! I'm hoping to go to Fort Worth, TX, from here! Vmfa-112, the Cowboys! If I don't get that then maybe somewhere in Miramar! No worries!!
So what to say really?! Life here is crazy!! Work, work, work!! Lol!!! But I get today off! And I don't hafta be to work until Tuesday!!! Yea!! So I hope it's a nice weekend!! Hopefully my crazy b/f will go to this place called Miyajima Island, about 40 min. from here!! There are little deer, wild monkeys, and old historical stuff to take pictures of!! And since I have a giant amount of time off, maybe I'll figure out how to put pix on here!! I think I can do it w/o having a digital camera... I'll just mess around with the scanner for a bit. :) Then I'll go back and put a picture with each of my entries!:) Yea!!
I miss you all!! I talk about everybody all the time and show off all of your pictures! (By the way, Annie and Lynnie, the guys here think you guys are GORGEOUS!!!) :) Heehee!! Send me some more!! Well, this is REALLY long so... I'll let you go with this... Keep close to your heart the story of Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33) This story can apply to every aspect of your life. We all are like Peter, quick to question and act, but a little shaky on the trust part. But, no matter how much we doubt ourselves, or even the Lord, He is standing a heartbeat away, ready to snatch us from the waves life sends to crush us, if we only ask Him. Trust fully in Him and know that He has great things planned for your life. Don't run your own life and still expect Him to give you all the good stuff. Give your life completely up to Him, and let Him run it how He wants. :) Gotta go. Muah!!* Me


Lynne Howard said...

Hey Jess! I am in CO! Not too far from where we worked! This is a nice dude ranch...the owners live here and they are the parents of te managers. They are all strong christians, which is nice... the mountains are beautiful!!! SOunds like you are having fun, who is this crazy bf and when did you gt him?@ Fill me in! Love and miss you - AP

Anonymous said...

Philippians 4:13 is my favorite verse as well. :)