Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hebrews 11:1

So many changes in my life right now, I'm not quite sure what to make of it all! Sometimes I feel so bogged down I find it really hard to breathe!!! I'm not one to just jump into things; I usually take my time making big decisions and roll with the punches. For the first time I can think of, I have jumped head first into something really big! And, I am very excited about it! But I am also very scared! Ah! Those two emotions should not be used in the same sentence! Or even the same paragraph! I just don't want to rush life and try to run into my future. I wanna take it one day at a time and be happy with every moment of it. Of course I'm happy, believe me, that's NOT the problem! :) I just want to make sure things work out right this time. Because they sure didn't seem to work out for the best the last time. :( And I think maybe that was my fault. Maybe I pushed to hard! Wanted to much, ya know? All I know is this - that I don't want to ruin things again. I think I've learned in the last couple of months that if something is ment to be, then it will be. And that I need to trust God and the plans he has for my life. It seems like every time I try to take my life and run with it, things just get all jacked up! So I need to just be patient and trust, which is really hard for me! I'm so used to just standing up and taking charge anymore! Its hard to sit back and let someone else take things and run with it. Its like letting my dog drive the car! Seems impossible, right? But if God said it was possible, would you trust Him? Enough to sit in that passenger seat w/o a seatbelt on and a blind fold covering your eyes? Without grabbing the " O no!" bars and sitting quietly with your hands folded in your lap? What's the difference here? Both are blind faith. So what do you do? Climb in beside the family pet? Or put the dog in the backseat and get behind the wheel? Just a little something to think on.
" ...i think too many times a couple tries to skip the stages of friendship and move straight into serious relationship without a good solid foundation....well i hope you're still close with God. I know it must be hard to be close with Him when you're not surrounded by strong Christians like I am, but remember that it's not about circumstances, it's about faith and being faithful to God no matter what or who is around. ANd it's so important to spend good quality time with Him daily and to never stop growing. If you're not growing closer, you're getting farther.....so tell me what is God doing in your life? How is He using you to witness? i think we should be urgent about our witness to nonChristians, urgent and bold. God has called us to live a life worthy of the gospel, no matter what happens..... and i pray that this will be the desire of your heart ..." ~Lynnie Oh Lynnie! You guys have never given up on me! Even through all of the really tough times! You, Annie, and Lizzy Girl have always been there! And even when you can't physically, I know you are in my heart always. even when we have our differences. :( I'm sorry I can't be there all of the time. I wish I could. So much has changed tho. And that makes me sad. And it hurts to the bottom of my soul. :( Because no matter what, we can never go back to those 9 year old little girls riding up to rummage sales on ponies bareback. Oh, how I wish we could...

I want everyone to know that I love and really miss y'all! :) I can't wait to see y'all very soon! For those of y'all who don't know I'll be home in March sometime! But don't nun y'all tell my baby Ima comin home! Its gonna be her bday surprise!!! So keep y'alls traps shut! ;) Lol! But I really do miss all of you! :) And I can't WAIT to see y'all! But I need to get going now! I GOTTA go and try to do my homework!!! :) Hugs Kisses and Cookies~ Your Jessie

p.s.~A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. - Bo Bennett

Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. -Napoleon Hill

"Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now,Thus much let me avow--You are not wrong who deemThat my days have been a dream;Yet if hope has flown awayIn a night, or in a day,In a vision, or in none,Is it therefore the less gone?All that we see or seemIs but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe,

Monday, September 05, 2005

Nobody Knows it but Me - Patrck O'Leary

Nobody Knows it But Me

There's a place that I travel,
When I want to roam
And nobody knows it but me.

The roads don't go there,
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me.

It's far, far away and way, way afar,
It's over the moon and the sea,
And wherever you are going,
That's wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me.

-Patrick O'Leary


I sure am glad that I am going for a B.S. in Biology! Because ppl who tend to go into sciences are usually chock full of questions! Like for instance, tho this is not quite a science question, per say (Spelling! At least we all know I'm not going to major in English! Thank God! ), it is still a good question to think on, non the less. Question : If a person says that they are sorry, do they really mean it? And how would you know? Because ppl don't usually spit out random things; normally the person has thought about it to themselves at one point or another. So the saying "ppl tend to say things they don't quite mean" must be inaccurate. When ppl get angry or upset (or drunk) they say things that they normally wouldn't say but yet it's something they have thought of. Now the question "is it regret or sorry" comes into play. So which is it? Are they the same thing or different? How can you tell? What seperates the two? Is it even possible to do so? Just wondering... My curiosity gets the best of me sometimes.... and by the way, Curiosity didn't kill the cat - it gave it nine lives :)

Do you know that the number 47 is everywhere in life? In your change, gas prices, on a clock, in part numbers, on license plates, room nubers, etc. But no matter where you go, you can usually see the number at least once a day. Melissa (Cooper as most of you know her as, or Shorty) has a theory that it has to do with a universal conspiracy - but I'll let her tell you about that! :) She tends to explain it better than I do. but, as for myself, I've came to the conclusion (sp?) that the #47 brings good luck with it every time I see it. Now, I only have 2 superstitions in life : 1.) How bad you are growing up, your kids will be 10x worse and 2.) You absolutly CANNOT turn the calender over until it has turned the first day of the next month <- my grandma told me that one! And my mamma told me the first! But, anyway, I usually don't believe in bad or good luck. but everytime I has seen this #, good things have always followed. Now, is that because in my mind I percieve it that way? That I believe that everytime I see this #, good things will follow, so they do? Do I just pick out the good things and kind of ignore the bad? What if I believed that it was bad luck and then everytime I saw it after that, would bad things follow? Or would it still be good luck if sometimes good things followed it and sometimes bad things folowed it? - Haha! Sorry, I know I can go off on my tangents sometimes! :)
Well, I need to get offa here and go back to my room because the wind is picking up outside from what I can hear! Just what I need! To get drenched AND blown away! :) Love you all very much!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

My Space

I have a long lost myspace account!! Yea! Add to me to y'alls list! Muah! Ciao!

Cowboy Up!

Talk about bad weather!! The typhoon is on its way in here so they're sayin! It's gettin pretty bad here! Wow! Well, got a few hours of sleep after I went to bed at 6 this morning. Woke up at like 11. Never do sleep very much. :( Arg! And I'm afraid it's gonna rain so I am debating "weather" or not I'm gonna go on a little walk once I leave here! ;) I think I might! A little rain never hurt anybody right?! :) Cowboy up!!
Well, I just wanted to say hey and I love everybody and in case it does get pretty nasty here and the power/communication gets cut off, I love all of you a lot and will call you as soon as I can! :) And to my little Angel-fly.. I love you more than air, and since we cannot live without air, you will always know that I cannot live without you! Love forever, Kisses ~ Jess

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ecclesiastes 7:3 - It's raining outside...

Wow! I had a great night last night! Better than I can remember having in a long time! My buddy and I went on a walk from 1230 am until almost 4 oclock this morning! I love going on walks! It was so much fun! And he's such a great person to talk to! :)
Well, not to much goin on now. We all have a long weekend because of Labor Day. An extended 72. And then we have swing crew tuesday and all hands day crew on wed and thurs. Friday we are having a change of command ceremony (meaning we're getting a new CO - LtCol Cerderholm) Oh joy! Hours of rehersal in the hot sun! I just can't wait!!!!!!! :S
Not too much else to say really. Gonna go and eat with a few of the girls and maybe go out to eat in town again tonight! I know of the best places to eat!! :) I love and miss all of you very much!
To my baby girl ~ I miss you so much! Way up to the stars and back and then to the stars and back again! That's really far, huh?! :) You are my pride and joy in life, my little ray of Sunshine. You be good for Nanna, and Papaw and your moms ok? And go have fun with your daddy! And remember what I said about school! It's not so bad sweety. Don't forget I'm sending you home some books to read! :) I love you Buggy- girl. Your my little buttrtfly and I will always take you with me where ever I go, in my heart and in my thoughs & prayers. Who knows? Maybe if we both pray on our knees every night I'll get home soon to see you. :) I love you baby girl. :)
~ Love forever from a far away place, Jessie