Sunday, September 04, 2005

Cowboy Up!

Talk about bad weather!! The typhoon is on its way in here so they're sayin! It's gettin pretty bad here! Wow! Well, got a few hours of sleep after I went to bed at 6 this morning. Woke up at like 11. Never do sleep very much. :( Arg! And I'm afraid it's gonna rain so I am debating "weather" or not I'm gonna go on a little walk once I leave here! ;) I think I might! A little rain never hurt anybody right?! :) Cowboy up!!
Well, I just wanted to say hey and I love everybody and in case it does get pretty nasty here and the power/communication gets cut off, I love all of you a lot and will call you as soon as I can! :) And to my little Angel-fly.. I love you more than air, and since we cannot live without air, you will always know that I cannot live without you! Love forever, Kisses ~ Jess

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