I sure am glad that I am going for a B.S. in Biology! Because ppl who tend to go into sciences are usually chock full of questions! Like for instance, tho this is not quite a science question, per say (Spelling! At least we all know I'm not going to major in English! Thank God! ), it is still a good question to think on, non the less. Question : If a person says that they are sorry, do they really mean it? And how would you know? Because ppl don't usually spit out random things; normally the person has thought about it to themselves at one point or another. So the saying "ppl tend to say things they don't quite mean" must be inaccurate. When ppl get angry or upset (or drunk) they say things that they normally wouldn't say but yet it's something they have thought of. Now the question "is it regret or sorry" comes into play. So which is it? Are they the same thing or different? How can you tell? What seperates the two? Is it even possible to do so? Just wondering... My curiosity gets the best of me sometimes.... and by the way, Curiosity didn't kill the cat - it gave it nine lives :)
Do you know that the number 47 is everywhere in life? In your change, gas prices, on a clock, in part numbers, on license plates, room nubers, etc. But no matter where you go, you can usually see the number at least once a day. Melissa (Cooper as most of you know her as, or Shorty) has a theory that it has to do with a universal conspiracy - but I'll let her tell you about that! :) She tends to explain it better than I do. but, as for myself, I've came to the conclusion (sp?) that the #47 brings good luck with it every time I see it. Now, I only have 2 superstitions in life : 1.) How bad you are growing up, your kids will be 10x worse and 2.) You absolutly CANNOT turn the calender over until it has turned the first day of the next month <- my grandma told me that one! And my mamma told me the first! But, anyway, I usually don't believe in bad or good luck. but everytime I has seen this #, good things have always followed. Now, is that because in my mind I percieve it that way? That I believe that everytime I see this #, good things will follow, so they do? Do I just pick out the good things and kind of ignore the bad? What if I believed that it was bad luck and then everytime I saw it after that, would bad things follow? Or would it still be good luck if sometimes good things followed it and sometimes bad things folowed it? - Haha! Sorry, I know I can go off on my tangents sometimes! :)
Well, I need to get offa here and go back to my room because the wind is picking up outside from what I can hear! Just what I need! To get drenched AND blown away! :) Love you all very much!
1 comment:
jess, you THINK too much! ha ha, JK! It's great that you are always questioning, wondering, inferring. Keep it up girl! We will have some good, long, interesting conversations when you get back I am sure! miss ya and love ya, and dont get blown away by the typhoon because I want to live with you in CO someday in our cute little apt. in Ft. Collins! -love ANNE
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