Thursday, November 03, 2005

"The Faith of a Friend

"hhey girl! how are you? oh my- your blog about heidi was amazing, and it totally made me cry! it's like you should be speaking at the funeral or something! girl you should write sermons and preach and be a pastor....well i mean, i am just saying, listen for your calling, because you never know if God could be calling you into the ministry and you are just missing it...I get to talk to people every day about their call in the minstry and how sometimes it's really clear and sometimes it's not so easy to understand. But you know God has called to a high purpose, living for Him....and that's pretty much all He asks...if you just live for Him and spend time with Him and get to know Him, then you WILL begin to fall in Love with Him and want to serve Him with everything you have! that is where I am right now....and you know what, you are not in a bubble like me, surrounded by 10 church services a week and TONS of on fire Christians and professors...etc....but YOU are in the mission field- YOU have COUNTLESS opportunities each day to show people Jesus and be a light in the dark and love people the way God loves them. You can make a difference in people's lives who might never have known Jesus otherwise...if two people had not taken the time to love me and show me Jesus, my life would never be the same, and yours either....just think about anyway- sorry this is a weird email,girl. God has put you on my heart right now, and I love you so much and pray for you. You are amazing!!! :) write back.
-Sister in Christ,
Thanks Lynnie! :) Thank you so much for always believing that I can do anything! It's hard sometimes but I know what I can do anything with friends like you to back me up and to believe in me and with God on my side. Well, I need to go for now, I 'll get on later to let you all in on the Ball last night! :)
Semper Fidelis and Love in Him,

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