ok... well, for the last 3 weeks in church we have been discussing Exodus! :) And I have been reading Joshua! lol! Believe me, with the tapes we have been watching about the things that archeologists have dug up from biblical times, and reading the Word to follow along with it, itmakes for some great learning. (We've been readin Luke, too!)
Well, we are waiting to leave for Kadena! :) that's in Okinawa for my Geography illiterate friends! ;) (heehee). So.. not too much has happened since the last time that I wrote. I'm going to back track and put in soem pictures and stuff from a little town that I wen to with the church, which by the way is Grace Bible Church, ran by Wayne and Melody Hala and their two daughters, Annette and April. Please keep the church and its family in your prayers!
I have decided that I am going to start something on here. You see, I am reading this book called "I Kissed Dating Goodbye", by Joshua Harris. Now, I know the title makes it sound retchid! But, it's really not actually about dating. A little bit, but not really. It's mostly about putting the Lord first and foremost in your life. Dating can sometimes become a distraction from our relationship with God. And with societies twisted views these days on "romantic relationships", it has become easier and easier for Christians to step off the path God has intended for us and to step onto the beaten path of the world. So, I have decided that, as I read the book, I will write the book on here as well, so that anyone who wants to may follow along. I'm farther along now, but, I don't mind backtracking. Maybe I will pick up something that I missed the first time around. So, I will write the book on here and I will still keep up on my life and things happening here, and of course my own views on the book as well. Please, pitch in your own thoughts and feelings to me! From here on out, until the book is finished, everything in RED will be from the book. Any other color will be my own personal thoughts and ideas. :)
Well, I need to get off of here! I have sooo much to do! Sister in Him, I love you all! ~Jess
~For my brother, Robert. He is having some troubles being 17. :) I wish I could be there to talk to him and guide him along, but because I cannot be, please pray for him, and look out for him if you are near enough. He needs the Lord in his life right now more than ever before. And pray for a friend of his as well. She is my unspoken but she desperatly needs prayer and guidance.
~For Melissa. She is having a rough go of things right now. She is stuck between the Rock and the world right now. She is having trouble finding the Lord and what His mission is for her right now. Keep her in your prayers please. She is a wonderful woman who knows God, she has just wandered onto the beaten path, as we all have from time to time.
~For Tom. For his family who is having a tough time at the recent loss of his grandfather. It is always hard to lose someone you love. And it can be even harder if you are the only one who can show your family Christ and His wonderful gift of grace. The Lord Himself said that those closest to you would be the hardest ones to reach. Please keep them in your prayers.
~ For my family and friends back home. I love them all very much and the Lord showed me again just how very important family can be. And just how very easliy they can be taken from you. I thank the Lord for watching over my grandparents this week. A tornado missed their house and demolished the one next to them. Thankfully no one was hurt, but it could have been much worse. So, please keep my family and YOURS in your prayers. Family is all you have. Cherish them everyday that you can.
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