Monday, January 30, 2006


:)WHEW!!!! It took me a while, but now it's DONE!! Lol! So you guys can go back and read all the stuff I went back and FINALLY finished or added pictures to! :-)
Well, things here in Iwakuni are going well! :) our squadron is doing better! :) No more trouble... keep your fingers crossed....
I really don't have much to say, just wanted to drop a line since it's not very often that I getta chance! :) And besides, I've been approved so, i will see you all very soon! :) Shhh, it's a secret! :) But it is not a big secret that I am the Luckiest woman on Earth. I have my beautiful Stephanie, who keeps me going every day. She is my pride and joy in life and I am so proud of her. she is the most advanced kid in her kindergarden class! And I am not just a proud mom being biased.... she goes to some first grade classes every day. :) She is a good girl and she will be a great leader some day. Just like my brothers. They are all smart as a whip. And I wish I could be there for all of them. When I go home I am taking a trip to Florida to see my awesome Step-monster and my 3 (5 now!) little brothers. I have been a really bad sister the last so many years. but yet, they still love me and are still willing to talk to me, so maybe there is a chance... :)
I need to get back to work now, but just because I haven't named everyone I know does not mean that all of you are not of equal importance to me. :) I love and miss everybody very much! And I am praying for you.
"The Lord is my Shepard... I shall not want...." ~ 23rd Psalm

1 comment:

Lynne Howard said...

Jess, I am SO excited you are coming home in one month! I love you and miss you!! Do you wanna take a 3 day road trip to Louisville, KY to see the Horse Park and other stables and racetracks? And maybe stay at my house in Bloomington on the way down there. Are you driving to FL? Maybe we could do it on your way or something....hey check out me and Lynne's blog ok! Hoosier can;t wait to meet you! Love ya!