Friday, January 19, 2007

Day # 9

Still lovin married life! Lol! I guess that's a good thing after only 9 days, huh? Heehee! Well, I have checked into my new command at MAG-11. I now have a new Squadron to call my own; VMFA(AW)-225! I am no longer a Lancer. I am now a Viking! Although, I think, I will always be a Lancer at heart. first Sqdrn you know? But, my heart belongs to a Green Knight! Lol! Are you guys still following?? Marine
Anyway.... things are going well so far. Josh and I went and picked up our Marriage Certificates, so, on Monday, I am legally on paper Mrs. Joshua David Quigley! Except with my own name, ya know, Jessica Marie... Lol!
Plan for now? Hmmm.. tomorrow we are going to try to go to the San Diego Zoo! We'll take loads of pics! Don't worry!
What else? Oh ya... Josh leaves for Iraq on Valentines Day. I really do hate Valentines Day....

But, we'll keep y'all posted on everything! Let us know what's up at home! We miss and Love Everyone!
Jess and Josh

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

La Jolla Cove, San Diego, CA

The famous La Jolla Cove! Aren't the Sea Lions just CUTE!! AND LAZY!!!!
Here we go, me and my signs! Still a cool picture tho!
And here's my hubby!!!! What a hottie!!
So, Josh took me out to La Jolla Beach today! To see the Sea Lions and we played around in the water! Lol! I definately fell on my butt! I guess that's what I get for trying to hop around on slick rocks, huh?! Lol!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

11 January 2007 - I'm MARRIED!!!

So, you guys are probably gonna get these pics in our engagement announcements that we sent out, but, lol, we really got married today!!!! :-D We went to the courthouse here in San Diego and got all of our paperwork done. We still plan on having an outdoor wedding in Colorado on 28 September 2008, after we both get back from our back-to-back Iraq tours. So, please keep us in your prayer on that!!!!! We will be in touch with y'all soon! Miss and love you!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Grand Canyon detour!

Yes!! We decided to take a little detour to the Grand Canyon and BOY!!! was it ever worth it!!!!!
This was my first time ever seeing the Grand Canyon and let me tell you, I was FACINATED!!!!
Here I am with my signs again! Ain't this one COOL!!!! No hikers! Or, ppl or something! Of course, Josh hated this sign, lol! He always did like to go places that he wasn't s'posed to! Lol! ;-D
Can you believe that some ppl come here and just go "oooh" and "ahhhh" and then they leave and just don't rememebr what they saw, save for the pictures that they took?! Crazy, how ppl can just take things for granted.....
And, here is my BABY!!!! Doesn't he just look hott witht that background! Whew! Mmmmm hmmmm!!! He looks right at home, huh?

Well, we're off on another adventure! This time we're going to San Diego! Muah! Love, Jess

On the Road Again

So, we're on our way again1 We stopped for the night in Gallup, NM. Not exactly a place I recommend anyone visiting, btw!!! Lol! We made the best of it tho!! But, the scenery on the way was SPECTACULAR!!!
Mt. Humphreys, outside of Flagstaff, AZ!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lubbock, Texas

Here we are at Josh's parents house in Lubbock!! It was so great to meet them!! They are just WONDERFUL people! I am sooooo happy to have them as my in-laws!!!!! Ken and Evelyn Quigley!!! Sorry that I do not have more pictures!!! I really thought I took more!! :( And I don't have any of Nikki, his 14 year old sister, or Zach, his older brother! Sorry guys!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Mrs. Quigley.... Sounds pretty good, huh?!

Isn't my baby a hottie on horseback?!Here are me and my 3 " I Love You" roses from this fabulous little picnic that Josh planned for us out at the twins house! It was soooooooo CUTE!!!! I was impressed baby!!! Me and Josh, just getting back from our little picnic and, guess what?!YOU BETCHA!!!! He proposed!!!!! I am now the future Mrs. Joshua David Quigley!!! Whoo hoo!!!!Isn't my ring just GORGEOUS!!!! It's the "string" that Josh tied on my finger! ;-D
Lol, my 2 best friends were plotting against me!!!! Can you believe it! These rascals KNEW!!! And they actually kept the secret! And so did everyone else apparently!! Because everyone knew but ME!! I'm glad tho ~ I would not have wanted it any other way!!!! I'm still to excited to write it all down!!! I'll post the WHOLE STORY next blog! Love y'all!! Muah!!!!
p.s. for more pics... check out Josh's blog and the twins blog

So... who knew that one day you would wake up and it would just be the best day ever?!

Locks of Love

10 beautiful inches ready to be given away!! Here we go! How does our little donater feel?!
She's excited!!Steph showing off her 10 inches of beautiful locks along with our hairdresser, Michelle, who cut my hair for donation as well. (she's been cutting my hair since the 4th grade!)
And here is Steph handing her hair over to a lady at the Cancer Society!

Today Steph donated 10 inches of her hair to the Locks of Love Foundation that makes wigs for children with rare balding diseases! She chose to do this all on her own after she saw me donate mine a few years ago! And she's only 6!!!!!! She wants to donate it 2 more times- once more in middle school and again in high school! Isn't she such a biggy girl??!

Spending time with Josh

I DARE YOU!!!! You KNOW that I can win this game!!! Heehee!
Josh and Justice playing around in Great - Grandma Rice's Room!
Justice, Steph, Great Grandma, and me!!!!
Baby Baby!!! So cute!!
ME and baby sitting in mom and dad's kitchen, on the floor, playing with Sissy! Whatta day! I am EXHAUSTED!!
So, today we went and saw lots of family!! Great Grandma and Mama June! EVERYONE!! I love introducing Josh to everyone! Because they always love him!! Lol, Great-Grandma now walks around telling everyone that she has 2 Marines!! Haha!

And I finally gotta pix of my little God-daughter, Hailey!! Mama June, we need to get more of those!!!