Monday, January 01, 2007

Spending time with Josh

I DARE YOU!!!! You KNOW that I can win this game!!! Heehee!
Josh and Justice playing around in Great - Grandma Rice's Room!
Justice, Steph, Great Grandma, and me!!!!
Baby Baby!!! So cute!!
ME and baby sitting in mom and dad's kitchen, on the floor, playing with Sissy! Whatta day! I am EXHAUSTED!!
So, today we went and saw lots of family!! Great Grandma and Mama June! EVERYONE!! I love introducing Josh to everyone! Because they always love him!! Lol, Great-Grandma now walks around telling everyone that she has 2 Marines!! Haha!

And I finally gotta pix of my little God-daughter, Hailey!! Mama June, we need to get more of those!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're beautiful.