So, we get up there later than expected! I finally get to meet Uncle Bob, who is just as crazy (if not more so!) than Melissa! I also was able to meet Uncle Martin, melissa's father's brother. He was super nice too! Well, since it was so late and I was hungry ( I had been too frustrated to eat!) and Melissa was hungry again (high motabilizm ppl...) and Uncle Martin was hungry, we all 4 went and got chineese food! And it wa AMAZING!!! Baby, when you get back, I am driving you the 2 hours up there to eat!! We can make a road trip og it! (You're driving this time!!!)
Then we met some interesting friends and all stayed up until 2am! Haha! It wasn't until the next morning that I got to see the rest of this amazing house! Isn't it gorgeous?!? Boy, I sure wish that I could add more pictures on here! Whew!! A BEAUty!!! Here are just a glimpse of a few rooms and Melissa and I being CRAZY!! Haha! Oh, btw, he has an elevator in his house!!1 It goes up to all 3 floors! WOW!!! And, fyi, Uncle Bob is a HUGE UCLA fan! :-) He had a flag hanging and signs and everything! It was cute! I can't wait to go back sometime with Melissa and take more pics! Oh, and our last meal there was at a WOW-O-WOW amazing Italian place called "Ciao"!!! I recommend eating there EVERYONE at least once in a lifetime!!
Gotta go make dinner! MUAH!~
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