Wednesday, May 16, 2007

80 days and counting...

For any of you who have checked out Josh's blog ( ), then you already know that he went on a helo ride for 8 hours being an aerial gunner. and he got to deliver mail. ; ) He had fun being a mailman and he got to meet a lot of interesting ppl. And, he said, guys whose lives are far worse off than his is out there. So please, keep them in your prayers.

And here he is workin workin workin!!! My baby is a work horse!!! ( A cute one tho!!)Josh has been sent to QA!! Doesn't he just look miserable!! He wasn't made to be behind a desk!! Lol, not MY husband!! He will work himself to death running around on the go, but if you put him behind a desk, it just might be the death of him! This picture actually almost made me cry because he looks so tired! He assured me tho, that he was actually laughing in this picture because they were making fun of him for sitting down for once!! Lol!

YEA!!!! We have reached our 80 day mark!!! Can you believe that we have less than 3 months left to go?!?! WOW!!!!!! It still amazes me that we have covered all that time already! When it was happening, it was torture it was going so slowly!!! But now, looking back, I wonder where all the time went. But, I also know, and I will never forget, that that time was full of learning, and patience, and heartache. But, we will get there. Just wait. = )
So, my job is pretty cool. I'm making ID's all day long now! I meet some pretty interesting ppl along the way! And my "shop" is awesome!! Sgt Miller is 9 months pregnant and due anyday! So, pray for her!! And for Brandon and Jen Bruce!! Their baby is due in 32 days!!! Yea!! I am sooooooooo excited!! I've been tracking the baby's progress for months!! So, please keep them all in your prayers! And you can check out the Bruce's at
Well all, I am off of here for the night!!! I'll update more pics of me once I get them!! Anne and I might go to the Zoo this weekend. We'll see! I'm on a budget this paycheck!! MAJOR portions of the truck bill got paid off~! = ) But, don't worry, even if we just lay out at the pool here in the complex for free, we'll have pictures for ya!! Lol!
God Bless~ Mrs. Q

1 comment:

Josh Quigley said...

71 days now!!! Wow! I hope that they fly by and I am home before you know it.

Love you baby!