Monday, May 29, 2006

Back in 'Kuni...

Well, here we are back in Japan. I hope I've put enough pictures on here for everybody! Don't worry, I will email everyone individual pix. This was just the best I that I could do right now with the time that I have. Marianne and I are going to the phone place tomorrow to get the phone turned back on, so, we'll see between the two of us how many ppl we can call between 9am and 1145am, when we have to leave for work! Hmm.... might have to make most when we get home! :-)
Well, nothing much to tell. Japan is the same as when I left it. I am 6 month out tho, and I'm gonn talk to SSgt Reed tomorrow about orders! Fingers crossed everybody!
Happy Memorial Day! I miss you and will talk to you soon!
Love you all,
p.s. Gifts from Thailand will come as soon as I can send them out! :-D


Lynne Howard said...

SWEEET PICS! jess, it seems like you had fun in thailand! i'm glad! what a pretty place! well i hope you're havin fun in japan! girl, you didn't have to get us anything from thailand! ahh! that's great though! :) haha. yay- so i'm not sure where your address is, can you give it to us again? please!!? ok well i love ya! have a good day!

Lynne Howard said...

hey girl nice to hear from you I miss you!` call me sometime! I am in GA and I can't get online a lot, cool pics though! love, anne