Wednesday, June 07, 2006

News for now...

Well, its the same ol same ol here in Iwakuni. Nothing really new to tell about. Preping for AMI, oh joy. SSgt emailed the monitor and told him that I am 6 months out and ready for orders. YES! So, fingers crossed everybody, for Miramar! I am also working on my CDI because SSgt wants to send me to WTI and I wanna be a CDI by then! Going anywhere as a worker sucks! Lol!

Well, I am getting another tattoo! Actually, I am gettin my whole back done! I always wanted to, but, never really thought of anything that I would want permanently on my back. Then, while I was on duty the other day, I was reading a TATTOO Magazine that someone had left. I read an article on a preacher named Matt Weiss. He has so many tattoos of Crosses, Jesus, Bible versus, and well, his entire upper body is a biblical STORY! It is amazing! Kids that he ministers to are from rough areas and he also ministers at a prison, so, it is easy for him to evangelize. I definately recommend everyone reading the article. It is really inspirational.
So, once I get my back completed, I will put pictures on here! But, no one can see it before then! Lol!

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