Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well, we are off to Thailand!! I will miss you all terribly!! I promise I will buy you cool stuff! Lol! I should be back within the month! I'll try to post as often as I can, but, it will depend on how busy we get! But, I do love and will miss you all! Call as soon as I get back! Muah! ~ And as soon as we get back, I request orders! YES!! 121 here I come! Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Lynne Howard said...

awwww- girl! josh is so cute! and such a nice guy! he's definitely a great guy for you :) and you are both in my prayers! oh yeah, so you're goin to thailand!! that's cool. i have a friend from there. he taught me how to say, "Hello" - (sa wat beca???) yeah i just can't spell it! hahaa.
have a great day! love you!