Saturday, December 30, 2006

I get JOSH for Christmas!!!

Butterflies that Josh folded for me for Christmas!!! Aren't they CUTE?!?!? I LOVED them!!!

Yea!!! After HOURS of delays, I finally get what I want for Christmas!!! SO, now Josh is here to spend some time getting to know everyone and meeting all of my family!! Except for the Bickel side; they went back to Georgia a few days ago!! I wish you guys could meet Josh!! You would absolutely ADORE him!!! Lol! So, now he is here for a few days to spend New Years with my family and I before we head off on our road trip to Cali!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Old Love... New Truck!

THIS is my new truck ------>
THIS is my BABY!!! ------>

So, to be sensible, I gotta new truck. *Sigh* It's not my Silverado, but it will do better on my cross country trip with gas!!! So, I now have a 2001 Chevy Blazer. I won't lie, it's not my truck, but it is pretty nice! Roomy and reliable! And I do get prettty good gas mileage!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Uncle Tim's for After Christmas- Christmas!!

Who is this cutie in pigtails?!?
My cousin Jay playing around with Justice!! Lol, guess who started what?!
My oldest cousin Tyler (who is going to college to become a Doctor!! Go Tyler!!), my Grandma Bickel, and my BEAUTIFUL mama!!!!!
Ali, another cousin, who looks stunning in this pics taken by Stephanieherself! What a little photographer!!
The kids!! You never see us together like this!! Only once every so many years!!!! And it has been a LONG time since we were all together!! We've added some new ones since then!!!

So, every year after Christmas we go down to Uncle Tim and Aunt Christa's for a Family Christmas Gathering!! This year we had more family than ususal with the Bickel side coming up from down South!! The more the merrier!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas at 218!!

Christmas Day has finally Arrived!! Here we are opening presents around the tree!! Actually, here are the KIDS opening presents!! Lol, we older ones just stick with gift cards!!! Lol!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Georgia comes North!!!

Steph and Jared walking Sissy and Cyber
Aunt Tammy
Grandpa and Robbie
Jared and Jenny
Smiley Jared!! Doesn't he look EXACTLY like Aunt Tammy???!!!

Grandma n Grandpa Bickel and Aunt Tammy and Jared came North just after Christmas!! It's really been a long time since they've come "home"!!! And I am soo glad that they did it this year while I was home! I know that I saw them all in March but, I sure was glad to see them!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Sissy and Cyber

Sleepy Puppies!! Sissy is ta the back and Cyber is knocked out upside down!!
Sissy and Cyber
Here I am drying off Sissy after she went out to potty!!
Normally the animals aren't allowed on the furniture, but, she was my little lap dog!!! Hee heee!
Who is who??

So, we got PUPPIES!!!! 2 little AKC German Shepards!! A sister and a brother, Sissy and Cyber! Steph decided on Cyber because of Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase... lol! And I chose Sissy because she is the little sister to 3 older and bigger (bullies!) brothers!!! :-) Kev and I went and picked them up this morning at 1000-ish!! They were so muddy!! They got like, 3 baths!!! Lol!! I really wish that I could take Sissy to Cali with us!!! Too bad we can't have animals in the Brks!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I've finally made it home!

Kevin has taken up Robbie's job as home photographer!
Robbie visiting!
Me on the phone with my BABY!!! Only a week till we see each other!! Woo hoo!
There's my angel cakes!!! Isn't she just adorable!? And here is little Mattie, our family garbage disposal! This kid will eat ANYTHING!!

So, I have finally made it home after HOURS and HOURS!! Sorry that it has taken me so long to post on here!! I gte real busy!!!!
Talk to y'all sooon!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Yea!! Ladies and Gents, this is my absolute last blog from Iwakuni, JAPAN!!! Wow! Only hours now before I leave to go and catch my first flight at Hiro Airport! Can you guys believe that it has already been 2 years??! WOW!! I won't lie tho, I am really gonna miss this place!! The food, the people, the DRIVING!! Lol, I LOVE to drive here!! It's CRAZY!! But, one day I'll be back! I promise! And I can't wait to explore this Island from the top to the bottom!
And not only am I gonna miss Japan, but, the people I am leaving behind as well! Like Rafe! Even tho I am gonna see ya in a few months! You take care buddy and don't let this place get ya down! And Betty and Krysten, I wish I wasn't leaving you guys behind! I wish y'all were coming with me! But, the Lord does everything for a reason, right? :-) Even if we can't always see what they are!
So, good bye, goodbye and I will see you all again! For those of you I like but just haven't named, I will miss you too! For thse of you I do not like, and you know who you are.... ya, well, fill in the blanks.
As for me, in the remaining hours, I'm just gonna chill and repack and read. Then, I'm on my way home for Christmas! I cannot WAIT!! Stephy girl, see you soon!
Josh, 16 DAYS!!!!!! YEA!! I love you with all my heart...
Konichiwa and love form Japan for the last time,

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Going Home... in 4 days!

Well, I'm going home everybody!! I officially have TMO'd all my stuff (the movers came and packed it away!) and tomorrow, I sign out of the squadron completely!! I am so excited!! Just 4 more days and I am on my way home! My first Christmas home in a long time! So, it'll be special! I know New Year's sure will! :-) Josh will be there with me! Smooches baby!*
So, I am gonna go back to my uber super lonely looking room now and finish packing off my last box to send home! Then, I am gonna call my hunny and then I am gonna plop my big butt down and dig my nose into Harry Potter #4! ( Yes, I have already read the whole series but, since the last book is coming out in July, I thought that I might refresh my memory! :-P
So, sayonara!! I'll post once again before I leave here! MUAH!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hello Again!!!

Hello again!! Well, I am down to my last days!! :-) I'm not even in the double digits anymore!! Yea!! I'm gonna go pack here in a few but, I wanted to add some pics that I FINALLY got off of my camera! Lol! It was some of the pics that I took at the Kintai Bridge the day that Krysten and I went!! :-) I have more but, I only felt like putting those on!! The one on here with me and my camera in the car mirror were from Kintai as well (we were leaving!) :-D
Lol! Here is a picture of me! Lol, don't mind my messy room! I am cleaning so, I have an excuse!! Lol! So, anyway, here's what going down for the rest of the time I'm here (I stole this idea from Josh' Blog!! <-- Check it out!)

~ TMO all my belongings on MONDAY!! 11 Dec!
~ Krysten moves in with me my last week here!
~ I have someone (hopefully Krysten) drive me to Hiroshima Airport at the crack of freakin dawn on 15 December!!
~ I continue to fly for the next 23 +/- hours!! (Yea me.) It will be my last overseas flight for a while! :( I won't lie, I will REALLY miss Japan! I didn't say HERE, just Japan! And I can't WAIT to come back someday! Lol!
~ I arrive in Indianapolis, Indiana, at 1915 (7:15 pm) on December 15, [because I travel back in time! Lol!] and mom squeezes the crap outta me for like, 20 minutes!! Then, we drive the 2 hours home ( mom doesn't let me drive home from the airport anymore because last time I accidentally turned into on coming traffic! Lol! Oops! They drive funny darnit!).
~ Then, I plan to sleep in everyday and lounge around and relax, but, we all know that I'm full of sh*t!!! Lol! I'm going to be so busy seeing everyone!! I got go see my grandparents, Great-grandma, Anne and Lynne and Liz and Linda, Uncle Jeff, etc!! So, many people!! So little time! And more Christmas shopping, I'm sure!
~ On 30 December at like, 10 am, I am going to make the 2 hour drive to the Indy Airport again and this time I will be picking up my BABY!!! And he is gonna just squeeze and never let me go!! Yea!! Haha! And he'll getta meet mom and probably Steph and maybe Jen all at the airport! Then, after a 2 hour drive home, accross desolate ugly ol Indiana, he will be attacked, I mean, introduced, to the rest of my family!! Lol, and we will continue doing that until he meets them all! Lol! I'll never get him to myself!
~ Around the 3rd of January 07, we will start our raodtrip to sunny old Miramar, CA! Mom, Josh, Steph and me are gonna drive my new truck and my junk all the way to Cali!! We are gonna stop off in Lubbock, TX, to meet Josh's family! I'm so excited!! And a little nervous! Lol! But, still... EXCITED!!!! :-) And we'll stay there for a few days and then we're off again! We will also be stopping off at the Grand Canyon, for mom... I love you mom! And then, once we get to Cali, a surprise for Steph that I cannot even tell on here!
~ Then between 13- 15 Jan, mom and Steph will be flying home on Steph's first flight ever! :-) And, of course, I will cry! :( At least I'm in the States tho!
~ Then I have a few weeks with my baby until he's off for Iraq!! :-( Then its 6 months w/o him, waiting for my sqdrn to go to Iraq, all the while praying that he'll be able to cross det! Please every pray!!

So, that's my schedule for now!!!!! :-) It's ALWAYS subject to change! Lol! Well, I am gonna run Rafe over to IPAC orders now so that he can get his stuff ready for leaving here as well! So, I love every one adn can't WAIT to see you soon!

Love forever from far away... Jessie
p.s. Josh.... I LOVE YOU more than you could EVER know!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Photo Update!!

I have FINALLY updated all of my pictures from Yuma, Az, and Katherine, Australia!! :-) Lol! So, if you check out my September 06 and go forward, you will see new pictures in there!! :-)
12 days left here!! I will only be at work on Mon, tues, Wed, and some of the day on Thursday, then I get my chekout from the Squadron started on Friday! :-) Yea! I TMO on the 11th and will say goodbye for good to Iwakuni in the wee hours of the morning on Friday, the 15th! then my journey will start! I will fly from Hiro airport to Narita Tokyo Airport. and from there to LAX where I will transfer to my 1-stop flight in Denver, Co, and straight on to Indianapolis, Indiana! Ii will arrive at 1915 ( 7:15 pm!!) I am sooooo EXCITED!!! Then, just 15 more days and I'll see Josh again! TALK ABOUT A GREAT MONTH!!
Well, I need to get offa here now and try to LEAVE! It's a Saturday and we have been here since 9!! And we're not s'posed to leave till 3, so... grrr... we'll see! I'm hungry!
Love, Jess

Nickelback ~ Far Away

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know, you know, you know
I love you I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreamin you'll be with me and you'd never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of Hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all I'd give for us
Give anything,but I won't give up
'Cause you know, you know, you know
That I love you I have loved you all along
I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreamin you'll be with me and you'd never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
So far away
So far away
far away for far too long
So far away
So far away
far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know
I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
I love you I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me,and never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me, never let me go.
~ I Love You Josh! With all my heart....