Hello again!! Well, I am down to my last days!! :-) I'm not even in the double digits anymore!! Yea!! I'm gonna go pack here in a few but, I wanted to add some pics that I FINALLY got off of my camera! Lol! It was some of the pics that I took at the Kintai Bridge the day that Krysten and I went!! :-) I have more but, I only felt like putting those on!! The one on here with me and my camera in the car mirror were from Kintai as well (we were leaving!) :-D

Lol! Here is a picture of me! Lol, don't mind my messy room! I am cleaning so, I have an excuse!! Lol! So, anyway, here's what going down for the rest of the time I'm here (I stole this idea from Josh' Blog!! quigleyjd.blogspot.com <-- Check it out!)
~ TMO all my belongings on MONDAY!! 11 Dec!
~ Krysten moves in with me my last week here!
~ I have someone (hopefully Krysten) drive me to Hiroshima Airport at the crack of freakin dawn on 15 December!!
~ I continue to fly for the next 23 +/- hours!! (Yea me.) It will be my last overseas flight for a while! :( I won't lie, I will REALLY miss Japan! I didn't say HERE, just Japan! And I can't WAIT to come back someday! Lol!
~ I arrive in Indianapolis, Indiana, at 1915 (7:15 pm) on December 15, [because I travel back in time! Lol!] and mom squeezes the crap outta me for like, 20 minutes!! Then, we drive the 2 hours home ( mom doesn't let me drive home from the airport anymore because last time I accidentally turned into on coming traffic! Lol! Oops! They drive funny darnit!).
~ Then, I plan to sleep in everyday and lounge around and relax, but, we all know that I'm full of sh*t!!! Lol! I'm going to be so busy seeing everyone!! I got go see my grandparents, Great-grandma, Anne and Lynne and Liz and Linda, Uncle Jeff, etc!! So, many people!! So little time! And more Christmas shopping, I'm sure!
~ On 30 December at like, 10 am, I am going to make the 2 hour drive to the Indy Airport again and this time I will be picking up my BABY!!! And he is gonna just squeeze and never let me go!! Yea!! Haha! And he'll getta meet mom and probably Steph and maybe Jen all at the airport! Then, after a 2 hour drive home, accross desolate ugly ol Indiana, he will be attacked, I mean, introduced, to the rest of my family!! Lol, and we will continue doing that until he meets them all! Lol! I'll never get him to myself!
~ Around the 3rd of January 07, we will start our raodtrip to sunny old Miramar, CA! Mom, Josh, Steph and me are gonna drive my new truck and my junk all the way to Cali!! We are gonna stop off in Lubbock, TX, to meet Josh's family! I'm so excited!! And a little nervous! Lol! But, still... EXCITED!!!! :-) And we'll stay there for a few days and then we're off again! We will also be stopping off at the Grand Canyon, for mom... I love you mom! And then, once we get to Cali, a surprise for Steph that I cannot even tell on here!
~ Then between 13- 15 Jan, mom and Steph will be flying home on Steph's first flight ever! :-) And, of course, I will cry! :( At least I'm in the States tho!
~ Then I have a few weeks with my baby until he's off for Iraq!! :-( Then its 6 months w/o him, waiting for my sqdrn to go to Iraq, all the while praying that he'll be able to cross det! Please every pray!!
So, that's my schedule for now!!!!! :-) It's ALWAYS subject to change! Lol! Well, I am gonna run Rafe over to IPAC orders now so that he can get his stuff ready for leaving here as well! So, I love every one adn can't WAIT to see you soon!
Love forever from far away... Jessie
p.s. Josh.... I LOVE YOU more than you could EVER know!
Your crazy baby! I love that picture of you. Absolutely beautiful! Love ya, and I can not wait to see you. Muah!
ok i just tried to post this once, but it didn't work. dumb blogger. lol. anyway, so we'll have to plan to spend some time together when you're here! maybe we'll have a sleepover? we'll def have to ride! and when josh gets here, maybe we can have a triple date, with anne and ty and me and tim. we're super excited to meet josh, who you are so crazy about! and we'll pray for a safe trip home. call us when you get here. LOVE YOU
ps- check jendon's blog!!! pregnant!!!
Jess, Can't wait to see you in FIVE DAYS!!!! come home soon! LOVe and Miss you! WE are praying for a safe flight back!! -Anne
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