Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Uncle Tim's for After Christmas- Christmas!!

Who is this cutie in pigtails?!?
My cousin Jay playing around with Justice!! Lol, guess who started what?!
My oldest cousin Tyler (who is going to college to become a Doctor!! Go Tyler!!), my Grandma Bickel, and my BEAUTIFUL mama!!!!!
Ali, another cousin, who looks stunning in this pics taken by Stephanieherself! What a little photographer!!
The kids!! You never see us together like this!! Only once every so many years!!!! And it has been a LONG time since we were all together!! We've added some new ones since then!!!

So, every year after Christmas we go down to Uncle Tim and Aunt Christa's for a Family Christmas Gathering!! This year we had more family than ususal with the Bickel side coming up from down South!! The more the merrier!!

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