Monday, January 01, 2007

Mrs. Quigley.... Sounds pretty good, huh?!

Isn't my baby a hottie on horseback?!Here are me and my 3 " I Love You" roses from this fabulous little picnic that Josh planned for us out at the twins house! It was soooooooo CUTE!!!! I was impressed baby!!! Me and Josh, just getting back from our little picnic and, guess what?!YOU BETCHA!!!! He proposed!!!!! I am now the future Mrs. Joshua David Quigley!!! Whoo hoo!!!!Isn't my ring just GORGEOUS!!!! It's the "string" that Josh tied on my finger! ;-D
Lol, my 2 best friends were plotting against me!!!! Can you believe it! These rascals KNEW!!! And they actually kept the secret! And so did everyone else apparently!! Because everyone knew but ME!! I'm glad tho ~ I would not have wanted it any other way!!!! I'm still to excited to write it all down!!! I'll post the WHOLE STORY next blog! Love y'all!! Muah!!!!
p.s. for more pics... check out Josh's blog and the twins blog

So... who knew that one day you would wake up and it would just be the best day ever?!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! good pics! except, in the first one, MY baby looks like a grump!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Jessie!!! We are so pumped for you guys!!

Brandon & Jennifer

Anonymous said...

new pics. new pics. update! update!