Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Day Before Tomorrow

It is the day before the big day!! Tomorrow is my Birthday!! I am so excited! Minus the fact that I have to work and then go into work on Saturday! Lol! But, it's ok, cuz, we'll be leavin to Australia this week! YES!!!

So, things with me are a little cloudy right now. Ya ever just feel like, maybe somewhere along the way of a happy road, you did something wrong, yet you can't quite put your finger on it?! Well, that's how I am feeling right about now. I'm getting in that lonely mood where I don't feel like talking to anyone and I start to push everyone away so I can be miserable by myself. =-S
I don't like these moods! But, I do know why I have them. Chaplain Johnson helped me to figure it out in Australia. Cuz, I could be just fine and dandy on minute and then not in the mood to interact with anyone. Apparently I am what's known as an Empath. An empath is someone who feeds off of what others feel. So, if I am arounf happy go lucky ppl, then I am at the heart of the group. But, if someone is sad, then I begin to feel sad. I'm not sure if it's sad for them or with them. But still, it's being sad.
So, when things go crazy around here with the craziness of packup, deployment, and ppl PCSing or EASing, it gets crazy with me!! I feel like I am being pulled in a hundred different directions!! It sucks sometimes, but, it also is great, because I think it helps me to understand ppl better. And, well, I am a ppl person! =-D To the core!
But, my feelings as of lately have less to do with everyone else and more to do with me. Like I said, I feel like I have messed up somewhere along the way and now I dunno what it was or how to set it right. And it is a frustrating feeling! Mostly because I can't lay my finger on the source! It's just one of those nagging feelings ya get, ya know?
Hmm, well, anyway, this is getting long and I need to get home before it gets too late and I just sleep and skip dinner! Sigh* long, sleepless nights here lately...

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