I AM OFFICIALLY 21 TODAY! Yea!! Like I told mom at 0600 this morning, I feel no different that I did yesterday! =-) And since we have to work today and tomorrow, there is no telling how celebratin it will go! But, again, mom was right. When have I ever really celebrated a bday on the day it was actually on??
So, since I am at work, I am gonna get offa here and go take this KC-130 refueling basket over to the Fed EX guys so it can get sent back to it's Airforce Squadron in Illinois! Heehee!! Take a look a few pics back to see what I'm talking about! :-)
~*The Brithday Girl*~
yay! happy b-day! look at our blog!
we love ya!
-your girls :)
ok jess, time to update. put up some pics from Australia already! some aussie hotties! :) Get me some Tim Tams! thanks babe
tim tams!
UPDATE!!! It was your birthday 3 months ago!!!! put up pics of aussie and AZ!
update your blog.
Yup, Time to update.
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