I guess heartbreak comes in different forms. Sometimes, it appears in the form of people letting you down and breaking your heart. Other times, it is losing family or a close friend. That is what I am talking about today.
I called my mom before work this morning around 0615 to find out how Steph's first day of school went. Mom sounded upset when she answered the phone so I asked her what was wrong, figuring it to be the ususal business. She asked me if I was at home and if I was sitting down. My heart stopped as I said yes, I was at home and sat down. She said, we lost Boomer today. I was lost. I said Huh? Did you guys leave the back door open and he got out? She said No sweety, we lost him. Boomer died last night. I was numb. I couldn't register what she was saying. Boomer dead? Impossible!! This was the Wonder Dog! He could climb ladders that were standing straight up and jump chain link fences and do flips catching frisbees. no way he could be dead!!
But, unfortunately Boomer was sick, and like dogs do, he didn't complain about it. and nobody really knew until it was to late. Mom said she called him in around 11 pm and he wasn't looking good. Then, he just laid down and went to sleep and didn't wake up.
I cried. And I remembered....
I can still remember the first day Dad brought him home. We were living in the White house, out on Mayo Road. He was a beige puppy with over sized ears and feet way too big for him! :'-) I remember playing ball or frisbee with him on summer nights. And, I remember him and dad wrestling around on the floor, knocking over the lamps. I remember his reaction when we first brought Shadow home from the pet store. What will Shadow do?! That was her buddy, her playmate! She is only maybe a 1/4 his size, but, she can hold her own! And Steph!! She kisses that dog every morning before she goes anywhere and every night before bed. She reads to him, watches movies with him, plays school with him. Nobody has told her yet... And dad. It was his best friend. I am sure he is devestated. That dog was a part of him, his side kick who could speak to him with looks. How will dad get by without his guard dog?? Or, should I say lap dog! :'-) Boomer would hop right up into your lap as soon as you sat down! I don't think he ever realized just how big he was!!
Well, Boom boom, I never got to tell you good bye. I never expected that I had too. You were still a young pup to me with a long life left to live. i never though it would be you who would leave me so soon. :'-( But, know this, I will never forget you, and you will never be replaced. You will always hold a special place in my heart. And I will continue to tell stories of you until this mind of mine will no longer remember things. You will always be my Wonder Dog. I will see you when I come home....
1 comment:
Jess, I'm so sorry that this had to happen! Boomer was a great dog and he lived a wonderful, happy, love-filled life. I remember when he was little, he was rambunctious! (is that how you spell that word?) But now he can run around and play and jump and be free, without feelings pain or sickness. I know how you feel and it is SO hard to lose a pet! You and the rest of the fam are in my prayers - oh by the way, Lynne and I were recruiting girl scouts from Allen, we didn't see Steph come in, (for open house in the evening) but we did see (and sign up for girl scouts!) a little girl named Destiney! and she is friends with Steph and knows you (she was in steph's k class last year) and her dad knows you and Jenny! Cool! They say hi!
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