Sunday, December 10, 2006

Going Home... in 4 days!

Well, I'm going home everybody!! I officially have TMO'd all my stuff (the movers came and packed it away!) and tomorrow, I sign out of the squadron completely!! I am so excited!! Just 4 more days and I am on my way home! My first Christmas home in a long time! So, it'll be special! I know New Year's sure will! :-) Josh will be there with me! Smooches baby!*
So, I am gonna go back to my uber super lonely looking room now and finish packing off my last box to send home! Then, I am gonna call my hunny and then I am gonna plop my big butt down and dig my nose into Harry Potter #4! ( Yes, I have already read the whole series but, since the last book is coming out in July, I thought that I might refresh my memory! :-P
So, sayonara!! I'll post once again before I leave here! MUAH!


Anonymous said...

YES!!!! I can not wait to see you :)

Hopefully one day you and I can go back to Japan, as tourists, and climb Mt. Fuji, and do cool things!

I love you, and am counting the days! ~Yours

Anonymous said...

Im super dooper excited!

Lynne Howard said...

awww josh. ok girl, you're gettin me all excited! so call whenever you wanna hang out, my schedule's pretty much a blank slate, ready to see ya whenever. :) and my treasure is the LIGHT OF CHRIST shining in me, read 2 Cor. 4:6-7