Dear Heavenly Father
I have so many things I want to say! So many questions I want to ask! But first and formost, thank you. You have really blessed me in life. You have blessed me with a wonderful family and the best friends anyone could have hoped for! They are always there for me! No matter where I am, what I'm doing. And I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. They help to keep me strong when sometimes I don't feel so strong. I feel that you've put them in my life to not only love me as another child of God, but to encourage me and keep me strong in my faith; to help guide me back to the right path when I have strayed. I believe you put them in my life so that I may never feel alone, even when I am all by myself. And sometimes, when I begin to wonder what my purpose is here, what is it that I should be doing, or that maybe I haven't done the right thing.... they are always there, sent by you, to point it out to me, to show me the way. Thank You for that. Please keep my friends as they go through tough times at school, at work, and at home. Let them shine with your light, Father, and may ppl see You through their good works and faith. Because faith must be followed by actions. One cannot exist without the other. And please protect my family. There are many new things happening. Please be there for that and watch over them all for me, since I cannot be there to do that myself. I put all of my worries and fears into your hands; I know that I cannot do anything alone. Help me to be patient when I am impatient, practical when I am impractical, full of courage when I am filled with fear, and full of love when I begin to wonder. Fill me with the desire to teach others about you and to speak out for your name when there is someone unsure of it. Help me to always understand, and to listen, so that I may not miss something important. Watch over me and keep me in all your loving ways. Your Child in Christ~
jess, just remember that God really DOES have a purpose for you, He will NEVER call you to something and just leave you hanging. Remember how God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt?!? He didn't just leave him hanging, when they needed food and water in the desert, God gave them some, He took care of them, and He will take care of you too! Read this passage: it reminds me of you: Mat. 10:37-39 "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, and anyone who does not take up his cross and and follow me is not worthy of me; whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Remember to "TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW JESUS" because we are put on this earth to SERVE. To serve HIM and that THROUGH us, people would see HIM. Taking up your cross means laying down your life for the sake of the cross. Put yoursel aside and your own needs and wants and worries, and give your life, your words, your actions, and your heart, to the Lord, and let HIM guide you. We are truly blessed BECAUSE we have been saved. We should never forget that truth..... I pray for you continually. -In Jesus- -Lynne
1 comment:
WHAT IS YOUR ADDRESS!??! for the 17th time?! :) let me know- your girl AP
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