Sunday, February 20, 2005

Girly clothes.....

Hellllloooooo! Oh my word I had sooo much fun yesterday! I went to Hiro with Cooper!! And we had a blast! Talk about hilarious! And since we gotta 3 day weekend (72) then we are goin to Hiro again tomorrow!!! Yea!!! :) We'll probably go and see the Museum and maybe go to the Gardens! And of course go shopping! Lol! Melissa ( Cooper) insists on making me be more girly and buy girly clothes! We spent over 5 hours shopping for girly underwear! Lol! But sorry, I'm sure you didn't wanna know that!! :) But chirch was good today! We are gonna go to every one around to just see how they are here! :) So, next week its a different one! :) But I love and miss you all VERY MUCH! And I will get in touch soon!
~ you can't measure a crooked stick with another crooked stick.....

1 comment:

Lynne Howard said...

Hey MESSY JESSIE ! I am glad at least SOMEONE has enough influence over you to turn you "girly". After trying for 9 years I gave up :) Glad you are going to chUrch and having fun! CALL ME sometime! Or write a letter! Or email! I hope you are not too busy in the next couple of days to contact me! Love ya and miss you! - AP