Saturday, February 12, 2005

Ecclesiastes 3:11

"He has made everything beautiful in its time and He has set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom what He has done from beginning to end." ~ Eccl. 3:11 *Well, as you know this is my favorite Bible verse, the one that has always had the most meaning to me. It helps me to remember that I don't need to rush things in my life, like I tend to do; that things happen when they are s'posed to happen and that in the end it is best not to mess with God's plans. Because about the time you start to take your own life into your own hands, things start to go terribly wrong. It helps me to remember that I am a wonderfully made woman of God and that He has things that He needs for me to do to help other ppl. That I shouldn't be selfish with my life and they gifts that He has given me. Like I told my brother,gifts coincide with the things that you are good at. So, the question now is this: Why am I here in Japan? What is it that HE has planned for me here? And when will HE reveal to me what it is I need to do? Cuz 1/2 the time I have no idea! :) But then, there are the days when its nothing big, it's just me talking to someone who needs to hear a kind thing, or someone who needs to know that there is someone out there who cares. So maybe I'm here to just make other ppl happy. You think? Hmm... the Lord sure works in mysterious ways. :) I mean, I know John 3:16, but 2 Samuel 7:18? And I also know that God only uses those who fail because there isn't any other kind. Sometimes it's hard to Matthew 6:33, but hey, Philippians 4:13, right? :) As long as I remember that there is Ecclesiastes 3:1 then I know that I can Col. 3:12. Whew! Man I hope that I didn't mess any of that and I hope that you can all understand this and that you will all look those up! :) I miss you all and will talk to you soon! With all my love in a far away place.....In Christ...Jess

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